The Master International Business program offers our students a mix of in-depth knowledge in business administration and tailored topical and international focusses. In addition to integrated semesters abroad, we offer the opportunity of a dual degree, where students not only graduate at MBS but simultaneously also at one of our partner universities: our launch pad for leadership positions worldwide.

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Come as You Are and Love What You Do

September 27, 2019

Yesterday evening Anna Kopp, IT Director Germany at Microsoft, came to Munich Business School to share her experiences with MBS students and explain how she managed to reach such an important position at Microsoft and […]

Ignore the Noise and Focus on Your Passions and Strengths

September 18, 2019

Michel Geolier is an Master International Business alumnus of Munich Business School and a French-born entrepreneur and the co-founder of Betterfront Technologies, a data analytics company for alternative investments. Prior to Betterfront, Michel led due […]

5 Reasons Why Conscious Business Beats CSR

September 12, 2019

When companies plan to contribute to the greater good, they like to refer to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). When… They then point out that for them doing business is not just about increasing financial […]

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