The Master International Business program offers our students a mix of in-depth knowledge in business administration and tailored topical and international focusses. In addition to integrated semesters abroad, we offer the opportunity of a dual degree, where students not only graduate at MBS but simultaneously also at one of our partner universities: our launch pad for leadership positions worldwide.

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Impact of Recommender Systems on Consumers’ Purchase Intention

April 23, 2021

Due to the flood of information and the resulting inability of consumers to make decisions, recommender systems are increasingly becoming a key tool in e-commerce. But how do these systems influence consumers’ purchase intentions? A […]

Belarus in Focus: An Evening With Writer Dr. Volha Hapeyeva

March 26, 2021

Why Belarus, anyway? Perhaps that’s what the more than 120 students who logged on online on March 17 for our talk with our guest from Belarus had been wondering: Dr. Volha Hapeyeva, writer, poet, linguist […]

MBS Community: Being Unique Through Sacrifice and Care

March 18, 2021

Learning during a pandemic is not easy. It can be very draining on one’s emotions and mental state. Having limited social contact impacts positivity as well. Despite all pressure put on us during this pandemic, […]

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