The Master International Business program offers our students a mix of in-depth knowledge in business administration and tailored topical and international focusses. In addition to integrated semesters abroad, we offer the opportunity of a dual degree, where students not only graduate at MBS but simultaneously also at one of our partner universities: our launch pad for leadership positions worldwide.

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New MBS Publication on Youth Unemployment and COVID-19

March 2, 2021

A new contribution on youth (un)employment by Giulia Parola, research associate at Munich Business School, has recently been published in a peer-reviewed academic journal. Giulia Parola authored an article aimed at constructing four alternative scenarios […]

Munich Business School Launches MBS Empowerment Fund

January 14, 2021

Following the American model where universities have a long tradition in raising third-party funds, Munich Business School is now presenting its very own MBS Empowerment Fund. The idea of introducing an investment fund originates with […]

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