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Bachelor Information
For Parents


Would your son or daughter like to explore the international and global diversity in the field of international business? As a parent, are you looking for an institution that provides the best possible care and support for your child? Do you also want an academic program of study that combines theoretical elements with a high degree of practical relevance?


If the answer to these questions is ‘yes’, get in touch with us to find out more about the International Business bachelor’s program at Munich Business School. We would be happy to advise you as a parent and discuss our degree program with your son or daughter. Parental support is often an important factor for young people choosing a course of study. As a parent, you are a valuable source of advice, a vital sounding board, and provide food for thought when it comes to choosing a degree and finding the right career path.


For many young people, leaving school is akin to cutting the umbilical cord all over again, bringing with it greater independence and more personal responsibility. It is often accompanied by a move to a new city. In many cases, this is the first time a young person lives away from their family and it is an exciting time – for the young adult, of course, but also for you as parents.

Parents naturally want to support their children as best they can in this new phase in their lives. It is important to pass on experiences, reflect on opportunities, share networks and work together to plan how the prospective student will finance their studies.

Young people appreciate it when their parents support them as they make their decision. As they choose a course of study, it is important to discuss matters as equals and give them the freedom to forge their own path.


You can find information on the benefits of our bachelor’s program and the course content below. In our experience, we have seen that the benefits listed below will be among the most important for you as a parent:

Our bachelor’s degree in International Business encourages students to explore a broad range of subjects in depth. The wide range of elective subjects on the main course allows them to pursue their passions and interests.

Our pre-bachelor program helps students to settle and find their feet – as do courses anchored in the curriculum, such as resilience management and strategies for making a successful start to your studies. 

Small class sizes allow for individual and personal attention in the individual courses.

Group projects, job application training, corporate collaborations, recruiting events with companies, developing digital skills and a constant practical focus together mean your child will be ideally prepared to embark on their professional career or continue their studies with a master’s degree.


Our bachelor’s degree is made possible by an experienced, dedicated team. Academic study is not always an easy path. However, at Munich Business School, we will support you and your child both before and during their time with us Take advantage of our consultant appointments and information events, held in person and online.
Prof. Dr. Arnd Albrecht

Academic Director Bachelor International Business (Semester 4-6)


Manuela Szabó

Program Manager Bachelor International Business



Get to know our bachelor program.

‌ Info Session
08 April 2025
How to Apply Successfully for BA International Business (German), April 8, 2025 Learn all about the application process at Munich Business… learn more
‌ Other
09 April 2025
Brezn and Business: How to Apply with ChatGPT Join us for an insightful discussion on the future of… learn more
‌ Info Session
06 May 2025
How to Apply Successfully for BA International Business (English), May 6, 2025 Learn all about the application process at Munich Business… learn more
‌ Fair
13 May 2025
Vocatium München 2025, 13th-14th of May Meet MBS program advisors and current Bachelor's students at the… learn more
‌ Fair
18 October 2025
Stuzubi Munich 2025, October 18 Meet study advisors and students of MBS on Saturday, October 18,… learn more
‌ Fair
21 November 2025
Einstieg München 2025, November 21 – 22 Munich Business School will be attending Einstieg München 2025… learn more
Studienort München

Munich - An Excellent Place to Study

Parents want to know their children are in a place where they can best achieve their potential and develop as people. The city of Munich and the Munich Business School offer the ideal environment for young people to do exactly that, including through:

  • a wide range of internships and career opportunities both during their studies and afterwards in one Europe’s leading economic regions
  • various cutting-edge industries and global companies such as BMW, Allianz, Siemens, Microsoft and Google, plus numerous family-owned businesses and a vibrant start-up community
  • a safe urban setting and a strong social and international environment
  • a high quality of life, with wide-ranging cultural, leisure and sports activities both in the city itself and in the surrounding region, which features the Alps and a wealth of rivers and lakes
  • a geographically favorable and well-connected location with excellent local and long-distance transport infrastructure offers a perfect base from which to explore Germany and Europe

Student Financing and Scholarships - a Wide Range on Offer at MBS

Parents often cover a large share of the costs of their children’s studies and regard investing in their education as laying solid foundations and preparing them for their future. There is a number of (additional) funding opportunities that your child may be able to access. At Munich Business School, we offer a diverse range of partial scholarships and financing options. You can find further information under Scholarships and Financing.

Parents about MBS

“We are delighted that our son has found a degree that suits him and that he is studying successfully at Munich Business School. From the outset, he has enjoyed the personal support, small study groups and international flair. He appreciates the breadth and relevance of the course content and finds the teaching staff interesting and inspiring. We feel certain that, after graduating, he will continue to cut his own path in his professional career.”

Birgitta Bechtold, mother of BA IB student

Would you like to find out more?

Studienberater MBS: Christine Heber, M.A.
Program Advisor, Bachelor International Business Christine Heber, M.A. +49 (0)89 547678-272 bachelor@munich-business-school.de
How can we help you? Next steps Arrange consultation Request brochure Apply online
PAGE-TITLE: Bachelor Information for Parents