Incoming Exchange


Munich Business School offers exchange and study abroad programs for Bachelor and Master students from abroad: The Undergraduate Exchange Semester (UES) is aimed at international exchange students in Bachelor programs, the Graduate Exchange Semester (GES) is designed for international Master students. The International Center Team is available to answer questions and provides additional services regarding visa, accommodation and health insurance. 

Undergraduate Exchange Semester

The UES at Munich Business School is a program especially designed for international exchange students. We offer classes entirely taught in English as well as a few classes entirely taught in German. The main focus is on business in Germany and Europe as well as German language studies. The program is offered during the Fall semester (end-August to December) as well as during the Spring semester (mid-January to end-April).

Undergraduate Exchange Semester

Target Group
Undergraduate students

Program Start
January or September

1 Semester



15-30 ECTS

Structure & Courses

The Undergraduate Exchange Semester (UES) is offered twice a year. The Orientation Days are taking place End of August/Mid January. Studies either start in fall (September-December) or spring (January-May). The respective semesters have slightly different content.

If you would like to see an overview of all courses offered in the Undergraduate Exchange Program please consult the UES course catalogue.

Admission Requirements

Academic requirements
You must have completed a minimum of 3 semesters of business related academic studies with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0/B by the time you enter the UES program.

Language requirements
You must be fluent in English and submit proof of sufficient language proficiency.

Proof of English proficiency: TOEFL iBT 83 or IELTS 6.0

Other requirements
In order to study in Germany, you must meet all German visa and health insurance requirements.

Application Process & Deadlines

Where do I need to apply?
If you are a student from a partner university having bilateral agreements with MBS (exchange and/or Erasmus+), you must contact your university's International Office to be nominated and approved. After you have been nominated, you will receive application information from our Incoming Student coordinator.

What documents do I need to submit?
Please submit the following application documents:

  • Most recent transcript(s) from your university
  • Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL iBT 83 or IELTS 6.0)
  • Copy of a valid passport (should be valid for at least 10 months at the time of application)
  • Recent passport size photo
  • Signed Advising Sheet

When do I need to apply?
Application deadlines:

Fall semester (September-December): April 30
Spring semester (January-April): September: October 15

Program Fees

Students from MBS partner universities may receive a tuition waiver or can study for free, depending on the cooperation agreement. Please ask your home university which case applies.

Graduate Exchange Semester

International graduate business students have the possibility to study one integrated semester (GES) in the Master International Business program. They can choose from the fall (September-December) or spring semester (January-May).

Graduate Exchange Semester

Target Group
Graduate students

Program Start
January or September

1 or 2 Semesters



15-30 ECTS

Study programs

International graduate business students have the possibility to study one integrated semester (GES) in the following programs:

  • Master International Business
  • Master International Marketing & Brand Management
  • Master Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Structure & Contents

Students will study integrated alongside our Master students in one of the Master programs listed above. Courses can only be chosen from the respective semester (Fall or Spring) and program. It is not possible to mix courses from the different programs. If you would like to see an overview of all courses offered in the Graduate Exchange Program please consult the GES course catalogue.

Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements
You must have completed 1 or 2 semesters of business related academic studies at Master level with above average grades by the time you enter the study abroad program.

Language requirements
You must be fluent in the language of instruction and submit proof of sufficient English proficiency via TOEFL/IELTS. The minimum scores are: TOEFL iBT 85 or IELTS 6.5.

Other requirements
In order to study in Germany, you must meet all German visa and health insurance requirements.

Application Process

Where do I need to apply?
If you are a student from a partner university having bilateral agreements with MBS (exchange and/or Erasmus+), you must contact your university's International Office to be nominated and approved. After you have been nominated, you will receive application information from our Incoming Student coordinator. For your application, you will need the following documents:

What do I need to hand in?
Please hand in the following documents:

  • Most recent transcript(s) from your university
  • Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL iBT 85 or IELTS 6.5)
  • Copy of a valid passport (should be valid for at least 10 months at the time of application)
  • Recent passport size photo
  • Signed Advising Sheet

When do I need to apply?
Application deadlines:

Fall semester (September-December): April 30
Spring semester (January-April): September: October 15

Program Fees

  • Students from MBS partner universities may receive a tuition waiver or can study for free, depending on the cooperation agreement. Please ask your home university which case applies.


While the majority of visiting students come to Munich from MBS' partner universities for one or two semesters, MBS also welcomes qualified freemovers to apply for the study abroad programs.

Information for Freemover

Undergraduate Exchange Semester

Structure & Courses

The Undergraduate Exchange Semester (UES) is offered twice a year. The Orientation Days are taking place End of August/Mid January. Studies either start in fall (September-December) or spring (January-May). The respective semesters have slightly different content.

If you would like to see an overview of all courses offered in the Undergraduate Exchange Program please consult the UES course catalogue.

Admission Requirements

Academic requirements
You must have completed a minimum of 3 semesters of business related academic studies with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0/B by the time you enter the UES program.

Language requirements
You must be fluent in English and submit proof of sufficient language proficiency.

Proof of English proficiency: TOEFL iBT 83 or IELTS 6.0

Other requirements
In order to study in Germany, you must meet all German visa and health insurance requirements.

Application Process & Deadlines

Where do I need to apply?
If you are interested in joining MBS as a freemover for one semester, please contact

What documents do I need to submit?
Please submit the following application documents:

  • Most recent transcript(s) from your university
  • Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL iBT 83 or IELTS 6.0)
  • Copy of a valid passport (should be valid for at least 10 months at the time of application)
  • Recent passport size photo
  • Signed Advising Sheet

When do I need to apply?
Application deadlines:

Fall semester (September-December): April 30
Spring semester (January-April): September: October 15

Program Fees

  • Spring 2025: 5970 EUR
  • Fall 2025: 6180 EUR

Graduate Exchange Semester

Structure & Contents

Students will study integrated alongside our Master students in one of the Master programs listed above. Courses can only be chosen from the respective semester (Fall or Spring) and program. It is not possible to mix courses from the different programs. If you would like to see an overview of all courses offered in the Graduate Exchange Program please consult the GES course catalogue.

Program Start:

  • Fall: Beginning of September with Orientation Days End of August.
  • Spring: Beginning Mid-January with Orientation Days.

Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements
You must have completed 1 or 2 semesters of business related academic studies at Master level with above average grades by the time you enter the study abroad program.

Language requirements
You must be fluent in the language of instruction and submit proof of sufficient English proficiency via TOEFL/IELTS. The minimum scores are: TOEFL iBT 85 or IELTS 6.5.

Other requirements
In order to study in Germany, you must meet all German visa and health insurance requirements.

Application Process

Where do I need to apply?
If you are interested in joining MBS as a freemover for one semester, please contact

What do I need to hand in?
Please hand in the following documents:

  • Most recent transcript(s) from your university
  • Proof of English proficiency (TOEFL iBT 85 or IELTS 6.5)
  • Copy of a valid passport (should be valid for at least 10 months at the time of application)
  • Recent passport size photo
  • Signed Advising Sheet

When do I need to apply?
Application deadlines:

Fall semester (September-December): April 30
Spring semester (January-April): September: October 15

Program Fees

  • Spring 2025: 5970 EUR
  • Fall 2025: 6180 EUR

Information and Services for Incoming Students

Student Visa

German immigration law requires a Student Visa (Visum für Studienzwecke) to take on any kind of studies. As an incoming student, you need to apply for your visa as soon as you receive your visa invitation letter from MBS.

If you are holding a passport of the European Union, you are a Union Citizen (Unionsbürger) and therefore do not have to apply for a Student Visa for your studies in Germany. You only have to apply for a residence permit after your arrival.

Preferred Countries
If you are holding a passport of a "preferred country", you can enter Germany on a Tourist Visa but still have to apply for a Student Visa in Germany after your arrival. 
Preferred countries are: Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea and the United States of America.

All other Countries
If you are holding a passport of any other country than the above mentioned, you have to apply for a Student Visa at the German Embassy in your home country. Please always check specific visa regulations with the German Embassy in your home country!

More about Student Visa

Housing & Cost of Living

MBS Appartment Exchange & Housing Guide
MBS Housing Guide: Once accepted, you will be provided with a guide containing information on apartment complexes and rental agencies as well as general information and links on living in Munich.

MBS Microsoft Teams Homeseekers Group: This service may help you to find a suitable apartment or shared flat within the MBS network. At the same time, you have the chance to meet with your fellow students and to be informed of the current housing situation in and around Munich.

Rental Prices 
Rents in Munich are generally high. Students therefore often share apartments to save costs. Rentals are often unfurnished. Below are some examples of rental options:

  • Room in shared apartment: € 600 to € 800
  • Studio (one room with kitchen and own bath): € 900 to € 1,000
  • Apartments: € 1,000 to € 1,300 (1 bedroom), € 1,400 to € 1,800 (2 bedrooms)

Utilities (electricity, heating, Internet, GEZ etc.) are typcially not included in the above examples.

Cost of Living
We estimate that your living costs will be between € 1,450 and € 1,750 per month. Your budget will mostly depend on how you manage your free time (e.g. travelling, eating out, opera, concerts, using sports facilities, visiting museums and clubs etc.).

Below are two examples of an exchange student’s monthly budget:

  Example 1 Example 2
Rent 750 € 900 €
Electricity, Heating, Wifi 150 € 250 €
Groceries/Food 320 € 320 €
Public transportation 40 € 40 €
Health Insurance 80 € 80 €
Phone 50 € 50 €
Miscellaneous (incl. books) 110 € 110 €


1.450 €

1.750 €

* Example 1 refers to a room in a shared apartment which can be found on  
**Example 2 represents a typical rent for a studio (1 room apartment) in Munich.

Health Insurance

By German law, you must have a valid health insurance during your studies in Germany. A valid travel insurance is not sufficient. Please find below respective information on fees and requirements for EU and non-EU citizens:

EU Citizens
If you hold a passport from an EU country or from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Tunisia, or Turkey, you are exempt from the compulsory German health insurance if you provide proof of health insurance coverage from your home country. In this case, you must obtain the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) from the responsible health authority in your home country prior to coming to Munich.

Non-EU Citizens
MBS only accepts health insurance from designated health insurance providers.
More about Health Insurance

MBS' partner regarding health insurance is TK offering discounted insurance premiums for our students. If you have any questions, please contact Fabian Vicari.

Fabian Vicari
80335 München

(+49) 040 - 46 06 51 04-606
(+49) 01 72 - 752 12 91


Pre-Arrival Session and Coffee Chats

  • Pre-Arrival Session: The International Center at MBS organizes a Pre-Arrival session in November/May to prepare students for their life in Munich.
  • Coffee Chats: After the pre-arrival sessioin, the International Center organizes monthly coffee chats in June/July and December to ensure continuous support and networking among students.

Orientation Days

The orientation days take place at the end of August or in mid-January and cover various topics, such as health insurance or instructions on how to register at the immigration office. Furthermore, students receive their student ID and a welcome package. As part of the orientation days, the International Center organizes networking events together with the MBS International Club, where new students can get to know each other and exchange ideas. In doing so, the students are able to quickly settle in and feel at home in Munich as well as at Munich Business School.

Mental Health First Aider

When experiencing personal or study related-problems, talking to another person can help. The Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) at MBS are there to provide students with guidance in case of the development of a mental health problem or mental health crisis. All conversations with Mental Health First Aiders are treated with 100% confidentiality.

Buddy Program

The Buddy Program is a student initiative and a meeting platform for current MBS students and new international visiting students. The main goals of the program are:

  • To better integrate new international visiting students by connecting them to MBS students
  • To learn about each other's cultures and customs
  • To practice a foreign language
  • To make new friends from all over the world
  • To network with students from partner universities

Would you like to learn more?

Studienberater MBS: Darsania Indra
Incoming Student Coordinator Darsania Indra +49 89 547678 232
How can we help you? Next Steps Contact Us
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