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- Private University
- Munich, Germany
- State recognized since 1999
- Bestnoten in Rankings
Trial Lecture - Design Thinking: Unlocking Innovation and Entrepreneurial Success
In this one-hour trial lecture on Design Thinking, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of this problem-solving methodology essential for driving innovation and thriving in entrepreneurship. The lecture will cover the core principles, phases of the process, practical applications, and skill development related to Design Thinking. By the end, attendees will possess the knowledge and tools to approach complex problems with empathy, creativity, and user-centered solutions, fostering a culture of innovation.
You will also get in depth information about the admissions process and will also have the opportunity to ask all your questions.
The lecture will be held in English.
Agenda: MA Programs
Date and Time: March 11th, 12:00 – 13:00 German Time
Place: Online