Professor*innen und Dozent*innen sprechen miteinander

 Elisabeth Grenzebach


Elisabeth Grenzebach studied sinology and political economics in Munich, Berlin and Taiwan. She was research assistant at the Free University of Berlin and worked as chief editor at the Handelsblatt Group—a German publishing house. Since 2006, Elisabeth Grenzebach has been managing director of a training agency for writing. As a writing trainer she works for universities, companies, and agencies. Additonally, she has finished a coaching education that enables her to support people to find their personal carrier path and their communication style.

At MBS: Lecturer for Business and Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region

Programs: Bachelor International Business

Topics of Expertise: Business and Culture in the Asia-Pacific Region

Grenzebach, E. (1993): Gesicht erwerben und Gesicht verlieren – die chinesische Alternative zur Tarifautonomie. Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag

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