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Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft has studied Business Administration focusing on marketing, strategic management and statistics, and did her PhD in the domain of international marketing at the University of Regensburg (incl. a study abroad PhD phase at the University of Colorado, USA). During her doctoral studies, she made major contributions to the launch of three new study programs within the Bavarian elite network.
After many years of professional practice and management responsibility in the fields of marketing and strategic management in the capital goods industry and in financial services, she now teaches at various universities of applied sciences. She teaches, researches and accompanies practice projects primarily in the areas of marketing, strategy, digitalization, sustainable business and communication. The acquisition of third-party funding for German and European research projects (e.g. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Erasmus+, Horizon 2020) is attached there as well. Patricia Kraft also focuses on the support and connection of future female managers for example with the MBS Initiative Women in Leadership, which she co-initiated in 2016 and has been leading since then.
Since 2014 she has been a professor at the Munich Business School and since 2016, Academic Director of the Bachelor Program International Business. Between 2019 and 2021, she was Vice Dean Learning & Teaching. She is part of the Teaching Excellence Initiative LehrehochN as well as a member of the Münchner Kreis, the leading independent platform providing orientation for decision makers in the digital world and an advisory council member of the management consultancy WARGITSCH TRANSFORMATION ENGINEERS.
At MBS: Professor for International Business
Studiengänge: Bachelor International Business, Master International Marketing and Brand Management
Schwerpunkt: International Business, Marketing & Communication, Strategy, Digital Transformation, Conscious and Sustainable Business, Women in Leadership
Wolf, B. / Seif, H., / Kraft, P. (2025). Teaching future competencies through entrepreneurship: : An educator’s reflection and learners’ perspectives. Journal of Education for Business, 100(2), 97–107.
Weilage, C.E. / Kraft, P. (2024). Baseball bat, resign, or accept? Handling career impacting feedback. The CASE Journal, Vol. 20 No. 6, pp. 1557-1569.
Siedler, A.-M. / Schmidkonz, C. / Kraft, P. (2023). Koordinierung von Effizienz-, Konsistenz- und Suffizienzmaßnahmen in der Lebensmittelindustrie für die Transformation zu einer Green Economy. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2023-03.
Stahlhofer, N. / Schmidkonz, C. / Kraft, P. (2023): Conscious Business in Deutschland. Bewertung des Status quo und Ausblick auf ein neues Paradigma in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Springer.
Kittelmann, F. / Kraft, P. / Schmid, E. (2023). Experiential learning during lockdown: a teaching case describing intercultural competency development through the mechanism of reflection using different digital teaching methods. Journal of International Education in Business, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 229-246.
Antonio, J. L. / Schmidkonz, C. / Kraft, P. (2022). Promises Have a Price: An Analysis of Higher Purpose, Purpose Washing, and Financial Performance Using the Example of Germany’s DAX 30. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2022-05.
Kraft, P. / Dowling, M. / Helm, P. (2021). New business models with Industrie 4.0 in the German Mittelstand. Int. J. Technology, Policy and Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.47–68.
De Anna, G. / Schmid, E. / Kraft, P. (2021): Beyond Borders: International Female Leaders & their Way to the Top. A Comparative Analysis of Success Factors for and Barriers of Advancement to Senior Management Roles for Women in USA, Sweden, Netherlands.
Rennollet, I. / Schmidkonz, Ch. / Kraft, P. (2020): The Role of Purpose in Consumer Choice: A Comparison between Baby Boomers and Millennials in Germany. In: World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. Vol. 16, No. 4 2020 241-261.
Schmidkonz, Ch. / Kraft, P. / Welledits, V. (2019). Zurück zur Selbstbestimmung. In: Human Resource Manager. 06/2019. pp. 74-77.
Welledits, V. / Schmidkonz, C. / Kraft, P. (2019): Digital Detox im Arbeitsleben. Methoden und Empfehlungen für einen gesunden Einsatz von Technologien. Springer.
Schmidkonz, C. / Kraft, P. / Reitmeier, P. (2018): Transformative Technologien. Wie Technologien zur inneren Ruhe führen sollen In: KMU-Magazin. Die Wissensplattform für erfolgreiche Unternehmer und Top-Manager, 11/12, pp. 42-45.
Albon, A. / Kraft, P. / Rennhak, C. (2018): Analyzing the credibility of eword-of-mouth using customer reviews on social media. In: Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), p. 37-50.
Stahlhofer, N. / Schmidkonz, C. / Kraft, P. (2018): Conscious Business in Germany. Assessing the Current Situation and Creating an Outlook for a New Paradigm. Springer.
Kraft, P. / Reszat, M. / Scherle, N. (2018): Vom smarten Kunden zum smarten Lernenden: Ausgewählte Einblicke in den innovativen Einsatz digitaler Medien in der Marketinglehre an Hochschulen. In: Winnen, L. / Rühle, A. / Wrobel, A. (2018): Innovativer Einsatz digitaler Medien im Marketing. SpringerGabler.
Parth, M. / Kraft, P. / Raif, H. (2017): Influencer Marketing: Eine empirische Multimethodenanalyse zur Markenwahrnehmung von Sportmodenherstellern auf Instagram. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2017-07.
Mazzucco, B. / Jung, H. H. / Kraft, P. (2017): Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation auf die Fitnessbranche in Deutschland. MBS Working Paper 2017-06.
Nätscher, M. / Panayotova, N. / Staudter, D. / Kraft, P. / Dowling, M. (2017): Firmen brauchen ein systematisches Employer Branding. In: methodik. Zeitschrift für mittelständische Unternehmen und Führungskräfte. June 2/2017, pp. 29 – 32.
Jung, H. H. / Kraft, P. (2016): Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services. Hanser Verlag.
Reschke, J. / Rennhak, C. / Kraft, P. (2016): Digitale Transformation in der Marketing-Kommunikation – Die Bedeutung des Social Media Measurements. In: Jung, H. H. / Kraft, P. (2016): Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services. Hanser Verlag.
Kraft, P. / Jung, H. H. (2016): Auf dem Weg zum smarten Kunden. Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für das Marketing. In: Jung, H. H. / Kraft, P. (2016): Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services. Hanser Verlag.
Mechlem, S. / Kraft, P. (2016): Innovationen: Machen Sie es wie die Startups. In: methodik. Zeitschrift für mittelständische Unternehmen und Führungskräfte. August 3/2016, pp. 22 – 25.
Sauer, A. / Kraft, P. / Rennhak, C. (2016): Humanitarian Supply Chain Performance Management: Development and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Performance Measurement Framework Based on the Balanced Scorecard. MBS Working Paper 2016-02.
Kraft, P. / Dowling, M. / Helm, R. / Conrad, D. (2013): Fit von internationalem Mindset und Marketing. In: planung & analyse, Volume 1/2013, pp. 61 – 63.
Kraft, P. / Dowling, M. / Helm, R. (2012): International orientation, marketing mix, and the performance of international German ‘mittelstand’ companies. In: International Journal of Business and Globalisation, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 293 – 315.
Kraft, P. / Meng, F. / Dowling, M. / Helm, R. (2012): Internationalization Strategies of Multinationals in Germany and the People’s Republic of China – A Comparison. In: International Journal of Business and Globalization, Volume 8, Number 2, pp. 171 – 186.
Kraft, P. (2009): Marketing ist kein Exportartikel. In: Profits, Sonderheft Auslandsgeschäft, pp. 26 – 27.
Dowling, M. / Kraft, P. (2008): Unternehmenserfolg erhöhen. In: Personal – Human Resources Management, Volume 10, pp. 14 – 16.
Kraft, P. (2008): Werbeartikel im Kommunikationsmix: Auf die Botschaft kommt es an. In: SparkassenMarkt. Fachmagazin für Marktkommunikation in der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, Volume November/December, pp. 20 – 21.
Kraft, P. (2008): Umfassendes und integriertes Veranstaltungsmanagement. Potenzial von Events nutzen. In: SparkassenMarkt. Fachmagazin für Marktkommunikation in der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, Volume January/February, pp. 18 – 19.
Kraft, P. (2006): Der Einfluss kultureller Orientierung auf das kundenorientierte Management international tätiger Unternehmen. Eine empirische Untersuchung. Wiku-Verlag.
Pecha, R. / Dowling, M. / Kraft, P. (2003): Comdirect AG and the German Online Brokerage Industry. In: European Case Clearing House.
Wolf, B. / Seif, H. / Kraft, P. (2023): Teaching future competences through entrepreneurship: an entrepreneurship educators experience in non-entrepreneurship courses. Presentation at the 3E 2023 Conference in Aarhus, Danmark.
De Anna, G. / Schmid, E. / Kraft, P. (2021): International Female Leaders & their Way to the Top. Podiumsdiskussion im “Beyond Borders Talk” des Frauenkarriere-Netzwerkes Mission Female, Deutschland.
Kraft, P. (2020): Frauen in Führung: Was ist das Erfolgsgeheimnis? Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der „Lectures in Leadership“ Vortragsreihe an der Universität Regensburg, Deutschland.
Kraft, P. / Dowling, M. / Helm, R. (2018): Customer Value Creation with Industry 4.0: A Case Study of Business Models in the German Mittelstand. Presentation at the "Enterprise Research Innovation Conference" in Split, Croatia.
Albon, A. / Kraft, P. / Rennhak, C. (2018): An Analysis of the Credibility of Electronic Word of Mouth, using the Example of Customer Reviews in Social Networks. Keynote presentation at the "4th International Conference on New Directions in Multidisciplinary Research and Practice" in London, UK. Awarded with the Best Paper Award in the Business & Economy Track.
Kraft, P. (2017): Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung. Panel discussion during the MBS Symposium "Digital vernetzt".
Kraft, P. (2014): Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf: Welchen Einfluss hat der Zeitpunkt der Familiengründung auf die Karriere. Panel discussion at Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany.
Kraft, P. / Dowling, M. / Helm, R. (2008): International Orientation, Marketing Mix, and the Performance of International Firms. Presentation at the "Academy of Management Annual Meeting" in Anaheim, USA.
Kraft, P. / Dowling, M. / Helm, R. (2006): Cultural Orientation in International Firms – An Empirical Study. Presentation at the "Asia-Europe Conference on Cultural Change and Economic Development" in Beijing, China.
All articles by Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft on the MBS Business Blog
Kraft, P. / Scheck, B. (2019): Why Silicon Valley Can Help Companies to Transform, 13.02.2019,
Kraft, P. / Kroiß, I. (2017): When Virtual Reality Meets Sport Sponsoring. Munich Business School, 11-24-2017,
Jung, H. H. / Kraft, P. / von Linde, L. (2017): Emotions on the Web. Munich Business School, 10-24-2017,
Kraft, P. / Jung, H. H. (2017): Digitally Connected: On the Way to the Smart Customer – Challenges and Success Stories from Corporate Practice. Munich Business School, 03-10-2017,
Kraft, P. / Scherer, T. (2016): About the Privilege of Assuming Responsibility. Munich Business School, 05-20-2016,
Kraft, P. / Mechlem, S. (2015): 9 out of 10 Start-ups Fail – How can the Lean Startup Method Help to Found Businesses More Successfully? Munich Business School, 01-29-2016,
Kraft, P. / Jung, H. H. (2015): Digital Added Value put into Practice – or: What has the Online Purchase of a New Car to do with the Internship of a Student and the Bachelor Seminars at MBS? Munich Business School, 09-04-2015,
Kraft, P. (2015): Seven Recommendations to Boost Your Studies. Munich Business School, 07-31-2015,
Kraft, P. (2015): From Student Life to Professional Life. Munich Business School, 06-12-2015,
Kraft, P. (2015): Professors Reloaded: From Imparter of Knowledge to Bridge Builder, Moderator and Sparring Partner. Munich Business School, 04-10-2015,