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Research Areas: Research That Counts

Research means more than counting publications: Munich Business School strives to contribute to the development of practical solutions to relevant business and social challenges. In the area of research, we are concentrating on selected research fields: The research fields "Digital Transformation" and "International Business" address two megatrends and their influence on economy and enterprises. These are a research topic in themselves, but also have an impact on all relevant business areas. In line with the university's mission, the areas of "Leadership & Responsibility", "Innovation & Entrepreneurship" and "Marketing & Communication" form further research focuses.

and Intellectual Contributions

The following overview contains intellectual contributions of Munich Business School researchers employed in the academic year 2022/23 over the period of the last five years.


International Business
International Business As the world economy grows closer and closer together, international business is no longer limited to the production or sale of products abroad, but also tries to understand trends and developments abroad and learn best practices. In addition, cooperation with international companies and the internationalization of corporate functions, as well as the question of how companies can integrate international employees into the corporate culture, become the focus of attention.

Academic Journal

  • Bartholomae, F., & Stumpfegger, E. (2021). Government Interventions during the Coronavirus Pandemic – A Critical Consideration. CESifo Forum, 22 (5), pp. 37-42.
  • Bartholomae, F., & Schoenberg, A. (2019). Two Shades of Urban Shrinkage: Innovation and Economic Structure in Cities with a Declining Population. CESifo Forum, 20 (3), pp. 15-19.
  • Bartholomae, F., Nam, C. W., & Schoenberg, A. (2017). Urban Shrinkage and Resurgence in Germany. Urban Studies, 54 (12), pp. 2701-2718.

Academic Book

  • Rüdiger, H. M. (2019). Noncompliant Purchasing Behaviour in the Bavarian Manufacturing Sector – exploring issues of organisational maturity, alignment and information asymmetry. University of Gloucestershire, UK. E-Dissertation.

Academic Conference Presentation

  • Bartholomae, F. (2022, August 22). Determinants of Innovation in Shrinking Cities. ERSA (European Regional Science Association) Web Conference, August 22, 2022.
  • Schoenberg, A., & Bartholomae, F. (2020, August 25). Two Shades of Urban Shrinkage: Innovation and Economic Structure in Cities with a Declining Population. ERSA (European Regional Science Association) Web Conference 2020, August 25-27, 2020.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2019, November 16). Two Shades of Urban Shrinkage: Innovation and Economic Structure in Cities with Declining Population. 66th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2018, November 9). Urban Resurgence as a Consumer City: A Case Study for Weimar in Eastern Germany. 65th Annual North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association International, November 7-10, 2018, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018, December 14). How Sports Events Interact with Social Media: Three Case Studies from Germany. International Forum on Sports Management, National Taiwan Sports University, Taiwan.

Working Paper/Report

  • Huang, K.-J., Rüdiger, H. M., & Jung, H. H. (2021). The Role of Logistics Service Quality in Achieving Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the End-Consumer Market Using the Example of the German Motorcycle Industry. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2021-03.
  • Bartholomae, F., Nam, C. W., & Rafih, P. (2020). The Impact of Welfare Chauvinism on the Results of Right-Wing Populist Voting in Germany after the Refugee Crisis. CESifo Working Paper No. 8629.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2017). Economic Effects of Recent Social and Technological Developments. Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fachgruppe Volkswirtschaftslehre, Vokswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge 29(4). Neubiberg, Germany.
  • Behringer, F., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2017). Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede glückstheoretischer Konzepte in Europa und China und ihre Bedeutung für die Wirtschaft. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3869), 2017-01.

Practitioner Journal

  • Riedmeier, J., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2021). Luxusshopping: aufstrebende Konsumenten verstehen. ChinaContact 02/2021, pp. 34-37.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018). Geld alleine macht auch in China nicht glücklich. ChinaContact, 03-04/2018, pp. 54-56.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018). Jörg Endriss und Sonja Maass: Chinakinder – Moderne Rebellen in einer alten Welt. Rezension. ASIEN, 148, pp. 104-105.
  • Behringer, F., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2017). Im Glück chinesischer Mitarbeiter liegt der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. ChinaContact, 01.17, pp. 16-17.

Practitioner Book  

  • Burger, A., Röhm, T., & Weber, S. T. (Eds.) (2020). Branchenspezifisches Controlling. Praxishandbuch der Besonderheiten und Entwicklungen mit State-of-the-Art und Unternehmensbeispielen. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Morasch, K., & Bartholomae, F. (2017). Handel und Wettbewerb auf globalen Märkten, 2. aktual. u. erw. Aufl. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.

Practitioner Book Chapter

  • Ayoub, M., & Röhm, T. (2021). Der Business Case Challenger – eine neue Fallstudienmethode für die Betriebswirtschaftslehre. In C. Hattula, J. Hilgers-Sekowsky, & G. Schuster (Eds.), Praxisorientierte Hochschullehre: Innovative Lehrkonzepte und Best Practices (pp. 269-276). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Röhm, T. (2020). Business as usual oder die Kernthemen anpacken? – Eine kurze Einführung. In A. Burger, T. Röhm & S. T. Weber, S. T. (Eds.), Branchenspezifisches Controlling. Praxishandbuch der Besonderheiten und Entwicklungen mit State-of-the-Art und Unternehmensbeispielen (pp. VII-X). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.

Practitioner Meeting Presentation

  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018, March 1). Glückskekse im Vergleich – Happiness in Bayern und China. Bayerisch-Chinesisches Frühlingsfest des Chinaforum Bayern e.V., Munich, Germany.
Leadership & Responsibility
Leadership & Responsibility Munich Business School defines leadership as the management and control of executives and employees with a view to the company's economic objectives and the personal development of the individual. Modern leadership models include transformational and transactional components, describe the functions of leadership in motivation and coaching, talent and performance management, performance and retention, team building and team culture. Professional personnel management and responsible action are key factors for the long-term success of companies and public institutions. These include awareness of trends such as digitalization and internationalization, the use of appropriate and agile management tools, and the identification of employee competencies.

Academic Journal

  • Albrecht, A., & Albrecht, E. (2021). Hybrides Projektmanagement. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 52, pp. 185-191.
  • Kauffeld, S., Albrecht, A. (2021). Kompetenzen und ihre Entwicklung in der Arbeitswelt von Morgen: branchenunabhängig, individualisiert, verbunden, digitalisiert? Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 52, pp. 1-6.
  • Hillert, A., Albrecht, A., & Voderholzer, U. (2020). The Burnout Phenomenon: A Résumé After More Than 15,000 Scientific Publications. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11:519237.
  • Rennollet, I., Schmidkonz, Ch., & Kraft, P. (2020). The role of purpose in consumer choice: a comparison between baby boomers and millennials in Germany with a focus on sustainability and consciousness. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 16(3), pp. 241-261.
  • Doblhofer, D. S., Hauser, A., Kuonath, A., Haas, K., Agthe, M., & Frey, D. (2019). Make the best out of the bad: coping with value incongruence through displaying facades of conformity, positive reframing, and self-disclosure. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, pp. 1-22. doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2019.1567579; *geteilte Erstautorenschaft
  • Hehnen, M., Lermer, E., Hauser, A., D’Errigo, E., Frey, D. (2020). Mentoring als Beitrag zur Integration Geflüchteter an deutschen Universitäten am Beispiel des P2P PLUS-Mentoring-Programms der LMU München. Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung in Einrichtungen der Lehre und Forschung, 1+2/2020, pp. 31-37.
  • Militz, S., Stockkamp, M., Drozdzewski, S., Hauser, A., Lermer, E., Frey, D. (2020). Aller Anfang ist schwer – Die Wirksamkeit von Mentoring im Studium am Beispiel des Peer-to-Peer-Mentoring-Programms der LMU München. Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung in Einrichtungen der Lehre und Forschung 1+2/2020, pp. 38-42.
  • Hauser, A. (2019). Work-Life-Challenge? Accepted! Wissenschaftler/innen und die (Un-) Vereinbarkeit von Lebensbereichen. Personal in Wissenschaft und Hochschule entwickeln, 1, pp. 75-88.
  • Albrecht, A., Hillert, A., & Albrecht, E. (2018). Burnout: Coaching versus Psychotherapie. PiD – Psychotherapie im Dialog, 19(03), pp. 80-84.
  • Spieler, I. & Hauser, A. (2018). Aus dem Gleichgewicht – die Vereinbarkeit von Lebensbereichen als Herausforderung. PiD – Psychotherapie im Dialog, 19(03), pp. 29-33, doi: 10.1055/a-0556-2409
  • Albrecht, A (2017). Disruptive Organisation. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 48, pp. 185-192.
  • Dreesbach-Bundy, S., & Scheck, B. (2017). Corporate volunteering: A bibliometric analysis from 1990 to 2015. Business Ethics: A European Review, 26(3). pp. 240-256.
  • Hauser, A., Weisweiler, S., & Frey, D. (2017). Does the Motivational Orientation Matter? A Regulatory Focus Perspective on Work-Life Enrichment and Work-Life Conflict. International Journal Of Stress Management, doi:10.1037/str0000074

Academic Book

  • Albrecht, A. (2021). Zukunftsgerecht führen: Plena-Leadership – die Synthese von Management, Neurowissenschaft und Psychologie. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Dreesbach-Bundy, S., & Scheck, B. (Eds.) (2018). CSR und Corporate Volunteering. Mitarbeiterengagement für gesellschaftliche Belange. Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Stahlhofer, N., Schmidkonz, Ch., & Kraft, P. (2018). Conscious Business in Germany: Assessing the Current Situation and Creating an Outlook for a New Paradigm. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer International Publishing.

Academic Book Chapter

  • Dreesbach-Bundy, S., & Scheck, B. (2018). Einführung. In S. Dresbach-Bundy, & B. Scheck. (Eds.), CSR und Corporate Volunteering. Mitarbeiterengagement für gesellschaftliche Belange (pp. 1-6). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Gabler.

Academic Conference Proceedings

  • Maráz, G., & Baldi, S. (2018). Future Skills for Future Jobs: The Social Service Project as a Complex Training Tool for Business Students. In K. Aleksić-Maslać, & P. Vranešić (Eds.), Proceedings 6th Higher Education Institution Conference 2018, September 27-28, Dubrovnik, Croatia (pp. 67-77).

Academic Conference Presentation

  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2019, November 15). Teaching ‘Conscious Business’. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Tschechien.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2019, November 14). Why the future belongs to Conscious Business. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Tschechien.

Working Paper/Report

  • De Anna, G., Schmid, E., & Kraft, P. (2021). Beyond Borders: International Female Leaders & their Way to the Top. A Comparative Analysis of Success Factors for and Barriers of Advancement to Senior Management Roles for Women in USA, Sweden, Netherlands. Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Röhm, T., Cardiano, D. G., & Pralle, M. (2021). Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätskultur: Neue Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. DGQ-Impulspapier, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität.
  • Keller, S., Schmidkonz, Ch., & Scheck, B. (2020): Volunteering bei Sportveranstaltungen: Erfolgsfaktoren für die langfristige Bindung von freiwilligen Helfern an ein Event. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3869), 2020-04.
  • Behringer, F., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2017). Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede glückstheoretischer Konzepte in Europa und China und ihre Bedeutung für die Wirtschaft. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3869), 2017-01.
  • Kuhn, E., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2017). Material vs. Experiential Purchases: Individual Difference Moderators of the Experiential Advantage and Their Influence on Consumer Happiness. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2018-02.

Practitioner Journal

  • Peus, C. & Hauser, A. (2021). Leading in the digital age. Journal of Financial Transformation, 52, 34-41.
  • Peus, C. & Hauser, A. (2020). Herausforderung Digitalisierung – Acht Thesen für zukunftsorientiertes Führungshandeln. Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell, 2/2020, 21‑26.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch., Kraft, P., & Welledits, V. (2019). Zurück zur Selbstbestimmung. Human Resource Manager, 06/2019, pp. 74-77.
  • Mausz, I, Dickert, T., Hauser, A., Kuonath, A. & Frey, D. (2019). Untersuchung zur Belastung am Richterarbeitsplatz in Bayern. Deutsche Richterzeitung, 19, pp. 254-259.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018). Geld alleine macht auch in China nicht glücklich. ChinaContact, 03-04/2018, pp. 54-56.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch., Kraft, P., & Reitmeier, P. (2018). Transformative Technologien. Wie Technologien zur inneren Ruhe führen sollen. KMU-Magazin 11/12, pp. 42-45.
  • Behringer, F., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2017). Im Glück chinesischer Mitarbeiter liegt der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. ChinaContact, 01.17, pp. 16-17.

Practitioner Book

  • Albrecht, A. (2021). Zukunftsgerecht führen: Plena-Ladership – die Synthese von Management, Neurowissenschaft und Psychologie. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2021). ‎Quick Guide Glück im Arbeitsleben: Wie der Arbeitsalltag in Unternehmen gesünder, glücklicher und erfolgreicher gestaltet werden kann. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Hillert, A., & Albrecht, A. (2020). Burn-out – Stress – Depression: Interdisziplinäre Strategien für Ärzte, Therapeuten und Coaches. Munich, Germany: Urban & Fischer.
  • Welledits, V., Schmidkonz, Ch., & Kraft, P. (2019). Digital Detox im Arbeitsleben. Methoden und Empfehlungen für einen gesunden Einsatz von Technologien. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.
  • Steiner, A. D., Hefele, C., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018). Happiness im Business: Zufriedene Mitarbeiter – glückliche Manager – erfolgreiche Unternehmen. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH.

Practitioner Book Chapter

  • Albrecht, A. (2020). Work 4.0. In L. von Rosenstiel, E. Regnet, & M. E. Domsch (Eds.), Führung von Mitarbeitern. Stuttgart (8th edition, pp. 733-746). Stuttgart, Germany: Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag. (25.08.2020)
  • Hauser, A. (2018). Kein Sprung ins kalte Wasser: Peer-to-Peer Mentoring. In: S. Pflaum & L. Wüst (Hrsg.). Der Mentoring Kompass für Unternehmen und Mentoren – Persönliche Erfahrungsberichte, Erfolgsprinzipien aus Forschung und Praxis (pp. 89-98). Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Albrecht, A. (2017). Leadership 4.0: Virtuelle Organisationsformen. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 19-34). Munich: Carl Hanser Verlag.

Practitioner Meeting Presentation

  • Albrecht, A. (2018, May 23). The Next Generation: Integration und Herausforderung des trans-generationalen Business. Videokonferenz, Roundtable der Coachingverbände.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2019, November 26). Happiness im Business. MAFAC – E. Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, Europapark Rust, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2019, October 23). Success Factor Happiness – 5 Gründe, warum Happiness und Business zusammengehören. Medientage München 2019, Munich, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2019, October 10). Success factor happiness and IT 5.0. Creating smart enterprises by applying IT 5.0 by Unisys, Munich, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2019, September 20). Happiness and Purpose for Leaders. MBS Global Week 2019, Munich, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018, December 11). Introduction to Happiness and Technology. blu Professionals GmbH, Munich, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018, November 5). Teaching Conscious Business at a Business School. Conscious Capitalism DACH.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018, March 1). Glückskekse im Vergleich – Happiness in Bayern und China. Bayerisch-Chinesisches Frühlingsfest des Chinaforum Bayern e.V., Munich, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2018, February 22). An Introduction to Conscious Business. BMW, Viechtach, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2017, September 15). Success Factor Happiness. Workshop at Munich Business School Alumni Reunion 2017, Munich, Germany.
Marketing & Communication
Marketing & Communication Munich Business School sees marketing in the wider sense as a philosophy of market-oriented leadership. In addition to strategic and operative marketing activities in consumer goods markets, the focus is also on the special features of industrial goods markets, the service sector and the non-profit sector. In addition to corporate communications, this field of research also focuses on the individual manager's ability to communicate (managerial communication) both internally and externally.

Academic Journal

  • Aouinaïta, C., Christen, D., Carlen, C., Massri, C., Reipurth, M., Hieke, S., Hegyi, A., Kujáni, K., Major, A., Szegedyné Fricz, A., Hüttl-Maack, V., Gawlik, D., Petropoulou, E., Alfaro, B., Santa Cruz, E., Lameris, M., Kuitems, J., Janssen, F., Braun, S., & Chang, B. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of purchasing from short food supply chains in Europe: Insights from stakeholder perspective. International Journal of Food Studies, 11 (July 2022), pp. SI196-SI207.
  • Chang, B., Massri, C., Reipurth, M., Petropoulou, E., Hüttl-Maack, V., Gawlik, D., Kujáni, K., Szente, V., Hegyi, A., Szegedyné Fricz, A., Santa Cruz, E., Benos, T., Aouinaït, C., Campos, D., Alfaro, B., Jansseni, F., Theodorakopoulou, I., Iliopoulos, C., Hieke, S. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of purchasing from short food supply chains: Evidence from consumer focus groups in Germany, Spain, Greece and Hungary. International Journal of Food Studies, 11 (July 2022), pp. SI208-SI218.
  • Festila, A., Hieke, S., Massri, C., & Chrysochou, P. (2021). Public Sensemaking of Active Packaging Technologies: A Feature-Based Perspective. Public Understanding of Science 30(8), pp. 1024-1040.
  • Kraft, P., Dowling, M., & Helm, P. (2021). Customer Value Creation with Industrie 4.0: Business Models in the German Mittelstand. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 21(1), pp. 47-68.
  • Kramer, K., Wagner, D., & Scheck, B. (2021). Reaping the digital dividend? Sport marketing’s move into esports: insights from Germany. European Journal of International Management, 15(2/3), pp. 339–366.
  • Profeta, A., Baune, M.-C., Smetana, S., Bornkessel, S., Broucke, K., Van Royen, G., Enneking, U., Weiss, J., Heinz, V., Hieke, S., & Terjung, N. (2021). Preferences of German Consumers for Meat Products Blended with Plant-Based Proteins. Sustainability 13(2), pp. 650.
  • Timotijevic, L., Astley, S., Bogaardt, M. J., Bucher, T., Carr, I., Copani, G., de la Cueva, J., Eftimov, T., Finglasi, P., Hieke, S., Hodgkins, C. E., Koroušić Seljak, B., Klepacz, N., Pasch, K., Maringer, M., Mikkelsen, B. E., Normann, A., Ofei, K.T. … Zimmermann, K. (2021). Designing a research infrastructure (RI) on food behaviour and health: Balancing user needs, business model, governance mechanisms and technology. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 116 (2021), pp. 405–414.
  • Jung, H. H., & Pfister, F. M. J. (2020). Blockchain-enabled Clinical Study Consent Management. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(2), pp. 14-24.
  • Macready, A., Hieke, S., Klimczuk-Kochanska, M., Szumial, S., Vranken, L., & Grunert, K. (2020). Consumer trust in the food value chain and its impact on consumer confidence: A model for assessing consumer trust and evidence from a 5-country study in Europe. Food Policy, 92, pp. 101880.
  • Neubig, C.M., Vranken, L., Roosen, J., Grasso, S., Hieke S., Knoepfle, S., Macready, A., & Masentoe, N. (2020). Action-related information trumps system information: Influencing consumers’ intention to reduce food waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 261, pp. 121-126.
  • Rennollet, I., Schmidkonz, Ch., & Kraft, P. (2020). The role of purpose in consumer choice: a comparison between baby boomers and millennials in Germany with a focus on sustainability and consciousness. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 16(3), pp. 241-261.
  • Bartholomae, F., Morasch, K., & Orsolya Seebode, R. (2019). Fixed margin price undercutting: An adequate entry strategy in a market with switching costs? Managerial and Decision Economics, 40(7), pp. 787-798.
  • Hung, Y., Hieke, S., Grunert, K., & Verbeke, W. (2019). Setting policy priorities for front-of-pack health claims and symbols in the European Union: Expert consensus built by using a Delphi method. Nutrients, 11(2), pp. 403.
  • Albon, A., Kraft, P., & Rennhak, C. (2018). Analyzing the Credibility of e-word-of-Mouth Using Customer Reviews on Social Media. Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), pp. 37-50.
  • Grunert, K., Hieke, S., & Juhl, H. (2018). Consumer wants and use of ingredient and nutrition information for alcoholic drinks: A cross-cultural study in six EU countries. Food Quality & Preference, 63, pp. 107-118.
  • Hartmann, C., Hieke, S., Taper, C., & Siegrist, M. (2018). European Consumer Healthiness Evaluation of ‘Free-from’ Labelled Food Products. Food Quality & Preference, 68, pp. 377-388.
  • Hieke, S., Pieniak, Z., & Verbeke, W. (2018). European consumers’ interest in nutrition information on (sugar-free) chewing gum. Food Quality & Preference, 64, pp. 172-180.
  • Jeruszka-Bielak, M., Kollajtis-Dolowy, A., Santoro, A., Ostan, R., Berendsen, A.A.M., Jennings, A., Meunier, N., Marseglia, A., Caumon, E., Grillings, R., De Groot, L.C.P.G.M., Franceschi, C., Hieke, S., & Pietruska, B. (2018). Are nutrition-related knowledge and attitudes reflected in lifestyle and health among elderly people? A study across five European countries. Frontiers in Physiology, 9.
  • Hung, Y., Grunert, K., Hieke, S., Hoefkens, C., & Verbeke, W. (2017). Motivation outweighs ability in explaining European consumers’ use of health claims. Food Quality & Preference, 58, pp. 34-44.
  • Wagner, D., Wenzel, M., Wagner, H.-T., & Koch, J. (2017). Sense, seize reconfigure: Online communities as strategic assets. Journal of Business Strategy, 38(5), pp. 27-34.

Academic Book Chapter

  • Matz, L., Abeza, G., & Wagner, D. (in press). COVID-19 and the Bundesliga: A Study of Digital Fan Engagement Strategies in Professional Soccer. Pedersen, P. M. (Ed.). Research Handbook on Sport and COVID-19. Edward Elgar.
  • Wagner, D. (2021). Online Communities in Sport. G. Abeza, N. O’Reilly, J. Sanderson, & E. Fredrick (Eds.). Social Media in Sport: Theory and Practice (pp. 57–82). Hackensack, NJ, USA: World Scientific.
  • Kraft, P., Reszat, M., & Scherle, N. (2018). Vom smarten Kunden zum smarten Lernenden: Ausgewählte Einblicke in den innovativen Einsatz digitaler Medien in der Marketinglehre an Hochschulen. In L. Winnen, A. Rühle, & A. Wrobel (Eds.), Innovativer Einsatz digitaler Medien im Marketing (pp. 137-154). Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.

Academic Conference Proceedings

  • Wagner, D., Schirmer, H., Brück, A., & Peter, G. (2020). Online-Panel: Communities und Netzwerke als Treiber des digitalen Wandels: Erfahrungen, Perspektiven und Ausblick. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration: Proceedings of the 23rd GeNeMe Conference (GeNeMe ‘20) (pp. 60-67), Dresden, Germany.
  • Pfister, F. M. J., Katzenbach, P., Hildebrand, N., Gollan, M., & Jung, H. H. (2020). A Decentralized Consent Management System to Make COVID-19-associated Data Available for Research & Development. Proceedings of the XXXI ISPIM Innovation Conference Proceedings, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Wagner, D., Ellermann, B., Schön, E.-M., & Kosub, M. (2020). Conversational Platforms als strategisches Digitalisierungsinstrument. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration: Proceedings of the 23rd GeNeMe Conference (GeNeMe ‘20) (pp. 75-79). Dresden, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Pfister, F. M. J. (2019). Blockchain-enabled Clinical Study Consent Management. Proceedings of the XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference Proceedings, Florence, Italy.
  • Albon, A., Kraft, P., & Rennhak, C. (2018). Analyzing the Credibility of E-Word-of-Mouth Using Customer Reviews on Social Media. A. Saddam (Ed.), Proceedings 4th International Conference on New Directions in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice (NDMRP), May 12-13 (pp. 8-21). London, United Kingdom.
  • Wagner, D. (2018). Community Management in 2018: Bedeutung, Trends und Praktiken. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration. Proceedings of the 21st Conference GeNeMe (GeNeMe '18) (pp. 10-11), Dresden, Germany.
  • Hartmann, C., Hieke, S., Taper, C., & Siegrist, M. (2017). Consumer attitudes towards free-from labelling and claims. Proceedings of the 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Rhode Island, USA.
  • Hondo, H., Kaunisto, E., Ofei, K. T., Mikkelsen, B. E., & Hieke, S. (2017). Small devices for Big data – business driven smart technologies to collect data on consumer behaviour. In B. E. Mikkelsen, K. T. Ofei, T. D. O. Tvedebrink, A. Q. Romani, & F. Sudzina (Eds.), Proceedings from 10th International Conference on Culinary Arts and Sciences, July 5-7th 2017 Aalborg University Copenhagen – Exploring Future Foodscapes (pp. 452-453). Captive Food Studies, AAU.
  • Wagner, D. (2017). Erkenntnisse aus den Studien des Bundesverbands für Community Management. Proceedings of the 20th Conference GeNeMe. Dresden, Germany.

Academic Conference Presentation

  • Abeza, G., Achen, R., Cianfrone, B., Frederick, E., Mamo, Y., O’Reilly, N., Sanderson, J., Su, Y., & Wagner, D. (2022, June 4). Social Media as an Agent of Change in Sport. Panel presented at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  • Pfister, F. M. J., Katzenbach, P., Hildebrand, N., Gollan, M., & Jung, H. H. (2020, June 7). A Decentralized Consent Management System to Make COVID-19-associated Data Available for Research & Development. ISPIM Innovation Conference, Virtual Space (Zoom).
  • Jung, H. H. (2019, Dezember 10). Digitalisierung im Vertrieb – Optimierung der Digital Customer Experience. 6. Öffentliche Ringvorlesung Digital Tuesday – Shaping the future together, Constance, Germany.
  • Albon, A., Kraft, P., & Rennhak, C. (2018, May 12). Analyzing the Credibility of E-Word-of-Mouth, using the Example of Customer Reviews in Social Networks. Keynote Presentation. 4th International Conference on New Directions in Multidisciplinary Research and Practice, London, UK. Best Paper Award Business & Economics Track.
  • Kraft, P., Dowling, M., & Helm, R. (2018, September 7). Customer Value Creation with Industry 4.0: A Case Study of Business Models in the German Mittelstand. Enterprise Research Innovation Conference, September 6-8, 2018, Split, Croatia.
  • Wagner, D. (2018, October 25). Community Management in 2018: Bedeutung, Trends und Praktiken. 21st Conference GeNeMe, Dresden, Germany.

Working Paper / Report

  • Huang, K.-J., Rüdiger, H. M., & Jung, H. H. (2021). The Role of Logistics Service Quality in Achieving Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the End-Consumer Market Using the Example of the German Motorcycle Industry. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2021-03.
  • Birk, M. L., Pietsch, D., & Jung, H. H. (2020). Der Einfluss des Megatrends Digitalisierung auf den Vertrieb eines Automobilherstellers an Endverbraucher anhand der Customer Journey. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2020-02.
  • Clauss, A., Collet, S., Laub, T., Lämmer, S., Schnurr, J.-M., & Wagner, D. (2020). Profilinterviews zu den BVCM-Berufsbildern. Nordkirchen: Bundesverband Community Management e. V. für digitale Kommunikation und Social Media. Retrieved from bildern.pdf
  • Clauss, A., Collet, S., Laub, T., Lämmer, S., Schnurr, J.-M., & Wagner, D. (2019). Social Media und Community Management in 2018. Nordkirchen: Bundesverband Community Management e. V. für digitale Kommunikation und Social Media. Retrieved from
  • Zettl, A., Stärker, H., & Seif, H. (2018). Leitfaden für die Entwicklung einer Markteintrittsstrategie eines deutschen mittelständischen Industrieunternehmens aus der Hochtechnologie-Branche für Japan. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2018-01.
  • Adams, E., Weilage, Ch., & Rüdiger, H. M. (2017). Methods for Direct Service Non-Profits to Enhance Voter Turnout. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2017-02.
  • Parth, M., Kraft, P., & Raif, H. (2017). Influencer Marketing: Eine empirische Multimethodenanalyse zur Markenwahrnehmung von Sportmodenherstellern auf Instagram. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2017-07.

Practitioner Journal

Practitioner Book

  • Nasher, J. (2018). Convinced! How To Show Your Competence and Win People Over. Oakland, USA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
  • Nasher, J. (2017). Überzeugt! Wie Sie Kompetenz zeigen und Menschen für sich gewinnen. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.

Practitioner Book Chapter

  • Nasher, J., & Thompson, L. (in press): Detecting Deception in Negotiation: From Natural Observation to Strategic Provocation. In L. Wilkin, & Y. Pathak (Eds.): De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management. De Gruyter, Berlin, Germany.
  • Hieke, S., & Grunert, K. (2019). Measuring the effects of health claims and symbols: the CLYMBOL methodological toolbox. In S. Astley (Ed.), Health Claims and Food Labelling (pp. 94-106). Cambridge, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Hieke, S., & Grunert, K. (2018). Introduction: Consumers and health claims. In M. J. Sadler (Ed.), Food, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Claims Vol. 3 (pp. 19-32). San Diego, USA: Elsevier.
  • Kraft, P., & Jung, H. H. (2017). Auf dem Weg zum smarten Kunden – Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für das Marketing. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 101-115). Munich, Germany: Carl Hanser Verlag.
  • Reschke, J., Rennhak, C., & Kraft, P. (2017). Digitale Transformation in der Marketing-Kommunikation – Die Bedeutung des Social Media Measurements. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 117-128). Munich, Germany: Carl Hanser Verlag.

Practitioner Meeting Presentation

  • Hieke, S. (2022, July 7). From clicking to crunching: How we communicate about food: the rise of social, the role of clicks and the challenges ahead of us. SNACKEX Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Hieke, S. (2021, May 4). The Future of Plant-based Proteins. Online presentation, OVID Advisory Board Meeting.
  • Hieke, S. (2021, April 28). Warum hängen die Menschen so am Fleisch? Online presentation and panel discussion, Global Food Summit.
  • Hieke, S. (2021, April 14). A One Health Approach to Food: The Double Pyramid Connecting Food Culture, Health and Climate. Online panel discussion, Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition.
  • Putzke, H., Jung, H. H. (2021, October 19). Optimierung wertschöpfender Händlerprozesse im Rahmen der Digitalen Transformation bei BMW Motorrad Deutschland. 5. Fachkonferenz Digitalisierung im Vertrieb 2021, Management Forum Starnberg, Germany.
  • Wagner, D. (2021, July 27). Ist Customer Engagement über Social Media überhaupt (noch) möglich? #d2mtalk Marathon, Munich, Germany.
  • Wagner, D. (2021, April 27). Trends im Customer Engagement und Community Management. #d2mtalk, episode 55, Munich, Germany.
  • Hieke S. (2020, June 19). European consumers and free-from labels. Webinar on Consumer Perception of Oils and Fats, FATS & Associés.
  • Hieke, S. (2019, February 27). European consumer research in international research projects. Network for Consumer Research, German Ministry for Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin, Germany.
  • Hieke, S. (2019, February 20). European consumers and health claims. Behr Verlag: Health Claims Tage, Cologne, Germany.
  • Hieke, S. (2019, January 22). European consumers and free-from labels. DLG Forum Kompakt: Kennzeichnung von Lebensmitteln, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Vulpus, S. (2019, Oktober 15). Digitalisierung des Kundenmanagements: Erfahrungen beim Energiewirtschafts-Unternehmen E-MAKS GmbH & Co. KG. Fachkonferenz Digitalisierung im Vertrieb, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Putzke, H. (2019, Oktober 10). Optimierung der Händlerprozesse im Rahmen der Digitalen Transformation. BMW IT Messe, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2019). Vom Kunden zum Fan einer Love Brand. Wie gestalten wir erfolgreich die digitale Customer Journey? Fachkonferenz mit Best Practice – Digitalisierung im Vertrieb, Wettbewerbsvorsprung für Ihre Vertriebsorganisation, Cologne, Germany.
  • Albon, A., & Kraft, P. (2018, September 21). The Wisdom of Strangers on the Internet – An Analysis of the Perceived Creditiblity of Electronic Word-of-Mouth in Social Media. MBS Alumni Reunion 2018, Munich, Germany.
  • Hieke, S. (2018, November 8). Was bestimmt unsere Lebensmittelwahl? 26th Diet and Nutrition Conference of the German Nutrition Society (DGE).
  • Hieke, S. (2018, October 9). Consumer attitudes towards free-from labels. Fresenius Akademie Jahrestagung, Expertenforum LMIV. Mainz, Germany.
  • Hieke, S. (2018, April 10). Consumers and Food Waste in Europe. Food Waste Conference of the Lithuanian Consumer Institute. Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Hieke, S. (2018, February 1). Drivers of Choice. Cargill. Mechelen, Belgium.
  • Jung, H. H. (2018, July 18). Beyond Retail. Keynote Speech, Global Dealer Development Conference, Automotive OEM, Berlin, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, September 27). Technology Marketing in the High Tech Industry – How to Market Technology based Innovations in a B2B Environment. The 48th European Microwave Conference, Madrid, Spain.
  • Wagner, D. (2018, December 12). Social-Media- und Community-Management in 2018. 84th Mercedes-Benz Social Media Night, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Wagner, D. (2018, October 24). Social Media im Sportmanagement. MedienCampus Bayern, Munich, Germany.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Innovation & Entrepreneurship With the research field Innovation & Entrepreneurship, the Munich Business School continues its activities in the field of entrepreneurial activity, which have been ongoing for several years. The focus here is on the diffusion of innovations both in the form of newly founded companies and in the form of innovations emerging from established organizations. The field of research deals in particular with the environments and ecosystems for entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship in universities (students and academic staff), start-ups and, embedded in them, the investigation of entrepreneurial thinking and action.

Academic Journal

  • Aschari-Lincoln, J., & Scheck, B. (2022). F(i)unding Your Way: A Managerial Compass for Social Organizations.Sustainability, 14(3), pp. 1396.
  • Scheck, B., & Reich, S. (2022). Ein wirkungsorientiertes Kreditportfolio – Zielsetzung, Messung, Analyse und Steuerung. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, 75(1), pp. 13-17.
  • Tryba, A., Breugst, N., & Patzelt, H. (2022). Knowledge Diversity and Venture Growth: The Contingent Effects of Early Planning and Experimentation. British Journal of Management.
  • Bergfeld, A., Lutz, E., & Scheck, B. (2020). Social Franchising: A Transitional Solution for Scaling Up Entrepreneurial Organizations? International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 12(1), pp. 17-38.
  • Tryba, A., & Fletcher, D. (2019). How shared pre-start-up moments of transition and cognitions contextualize effectual and causal decisions in entrepreneurial teams. Small Business Economics, pp. 1-24.
  • Mayer, J., & Scheck, B. (2018). Social Investing – What Matters from the Perspective of Social Entrepreneurs? Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(3), pp. 493-513.

Academic Book

  • Tryba, A. (2018). Entrepreneurial Teams, New Venture Direction and Growth: Evidence from Luxembourg. Doctoral Thesis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
  • Spiess-Knafl, W., & Scheck, B. (2017). Impact Investing – Instruments, Mechanisms and Actors. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Academic Book Chapter

  • Scheck, B. (2021). Social Reporting Standard (SRS): Making Social Impact Visible. K. Wendt (Ed.). Theories of Change. Change Leadership Tools, Models and Applications for Investing in Sustainable Development (pp. 103-108). Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Academic Conference Proceedings

  • Tryba, A., & Block, J. (2019). Shared Vision and Founding Team Reconfigurations: The Role of Prior Work Relations. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1).
  • Parola, G., & Scheck, B. (2018). Scaling trust-based partnership models to recharge youth entrepreneurship: supporting underserved communities with innovative entrepreneurship support instruments. 2nd Social Impact Investments International Conference, December 12-13, 2018, Sapienza Università Roma, Rome, Italy.
  • Tryba, A., Patzelt, H., & Breugst, N. (2018). Tapping the Potential of Diverse Founding Teams for Firm Growth: The Role of New Venture Activities. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2018 (1). Retrieved from
  • Tryba, A. (2017). Venture creation by teams: How joint pre-founding circumstances imprint on effectual decision-making. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017(1), 13570.

Academic Conference Presentation

  • Tryba, A. (2022, September 23). Identity Spanning Communities for Integrating Consumer Insights into Technology Analyses at the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation. 25th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum), 22.-23. September 2022, Dresden, Germany.
  • Harrer, T., Lehner, O. M., Hehenberger, L. K., Hockerts, K.N., Kriev, G., Lyon, F., & Scheck, B. (2021, July 26). Impact Investing in Times of Crises: Rethinking the Nature of Logics. Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 Vol.1.
  • Tryba, A., & Röhm, T. (2020, September 30). New Ventures’ Sustainability Missions – A Marketing Necessity or All-Embracing Management Tool?. 24th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum), Karlsruhe, Germany (virtual).
  • Tryba, A., & Block, J. (2019, September 25). Shared vision and entrepreneurial team member exits and entries: The role of joint work history. 23rd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum), Vienna, Austria.
  • Tryba, A., & Preller, R. (2019, June 5-8). Shared vision and resource reconfigurations in entrepreneurial teams: The moderating role of joint work history. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Boston, USA.
  • Bergfeld, A., Lutz, E., & Scheck, B. (2017, October 5-6). Social Franchising: A Transitional Solution for Scaling Up Social Entrepreneurial Organizations? G-Forum 2017, Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Tryba, A., Patzelt, H., & Breugst, N. (2018, August 10-14). Tapping the potential of diverse founding teams for firm growth: The role of new venture activities. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
  • Tryba, A., & Breugst, N. (2018, June 6-9). How should entrepreneurial teams behave to achieve firm growth? Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 2018, Waterford, Ireland.
  • Tryba, A., Patzelt, H., & Breugst, N. (2018, April 17-19). Unlocking the potential of educationally diverse founding teams for firm growth: The moderating role of new venture activities. Diversity Perspective on Management Conference: Towards more complex conceptualizations of diversity in management studies, Babson College, USA.
  • Scheck, B., Achleitner, A.-K., Bassen, A., & Spiess-Knafl, W. (2017, April 21). Reporting in Social Entrepreneurship. International Symposium on Social Entrepreneurship (ISSE). Asia Centre for Social Entrepreneurship & Philanthropy, NUS Business School, Singapore.
  • Tryba, A. (2017, October 5-6). Should entrepreneurial teams plan or experiment? The interplay of early behavior, diversity and young firm growth. 21th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum), Wuppertal, Germany.
  • Tryba, A. (2017, September 18). Should entrepreneurial teams plan or experiment? The interplay of early behavior, diversity and young firm growth. IÉSEG Entrepreneurial Team Workshop, Paris, France.

Working Paper / Report

  • Haarich, S., Holstein, F., Spule, S., Galera, G., Franchini, B., Borzaga, C., Chiomento, S., Spiess-Knafl, W., Scheck, B., Salvatori, G. (2020). Impact of the European Commission’s Social Business Initiative (SBI) and its Follow-up Actions. Study for DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission.
  • Scheck, B., & Spiess-Knafl, W. (2020). Impact Investing in the Framework of Business and Human Rights. Working Paper, European Union, Policy Department, Directorate-General for External Policies.
  • Spiess-Knafl, W., & Scheck, B. (2020). Social Enterprise Finance Market. Analysis and Recommendations for Delivery Options. Brussels. European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
  • Klaiber, J., Scheck, B., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2019). Do Impact Investments Deliver on Their Promise? Assessing Mutual Funds as Vehicles for Retail Impact Investments. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3869), 2019-01.

Practitioner Journal

  • Davey, T., Scheck, B., & Hahn, A. (2018). Embedding Entrepreneurship Education at the Munich Business School. University Industry Innovation Magazine, Special Issue 2018, pp. 45-47.
  • Scheck, B., & Spiess-Knafl, W. (2017). Bestmögliche Wirkung erzielen. StiftungsWelt, 01/2017, pp. 34-35.

Practitioner Book Chapter

  • Schmalfuß, B., Bauer, J., Seif, H., Sauer, O., & Pagnozzi, D. (2017). Intrapreneurship im Zeichen der High-Tech-Produktentwicklung. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 89-99). Munich, Germany: Carl Hanser Verlag.

Practitioner Meeting Presentation

  • Seif, H., & Bätge, N. (2022, May 31). Elysi1 – Leichtbau CFK Hybridorthese, Verwertungsplanung und Markteintrittsstrategie für eine von Grund auf neuentwickelte Hybridorthese für Patienten mit eingeschränkter Bewegungsfreiheit, Forschungsprojekt 1910-004 Elysium Industries – Leichtbau CFK Hybridorthese. Abschlussbericht zum Verbundforschungsprogramm BayMed, Life Science Medizintechnik, Nürnberg/Erlangen, Germany.
  • Reich, S., Scheck, B., Spiess-Knafl, W. (2021, June 9). Social Impact im Asset Management. WM Online-Seminar.
  • Scheck, B. (2021, October 21). Social Impact Banking: Wie können die SDGs die Finanzwelt transformieren? Zeit für Klima. (DIE ZEIT Klimawoche. Virtuelle Paneldiskussion).
  • Scheck, B. (2021, May 27). Building a Social Enterprise Finance Ecosystem With EU Funding. European Social Economy Summit, Mannheim, Germany (Digital Conference).
  • Seif, H., & Bätge, N. (2021, March 23). Elysi1 – Leichtbau CFK Hybridorthese, Erkenntnisse aus Simulationen und Versuchen mit Patienten auf dem Weg hin zu einem passiven Exoskelett.  Zweiters Meilensteintreffen des Verbundforschungsprogramms BayMed, Life Science Medinzintechnik, Nürnberg/Erlangen, Germany.
  • Scheck, B. (2019, September 17). Messbarkeit von wirkungsbezogenen Investitionen. Impact Investing – Time to Discuss, Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Scheck, B. (2019, March 11). Impulsvortrag Soziale Innovationen. 29. Treffen des Regionalkreises Baden-Württemberg, Initiative Baden-Badener Unternehmergespräche e. V., Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Scheck, B. (2018, May 15). Herausforderung Impact(-messung). Social Business MeetUp München, Munich, Germany.


Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation The digital transformation will significantly increase the demands on the ability and speed to innovate. Intelligent technical systems networked via the Internet of Things and Services form the basis for the design of new business models and innovative value chain structures. Of particular importance will be the intelligence of the systems that enable adaptive, robust, forward-looking and particularly user-friendly applications in all sectors. In both private and business contexts, this will change the interaction between man and intelligent machine in the coming years and affect and change all levels of life and work (individual, team, company and society).

Academic Journal

  • Du, L., Bartholomae, F., & Stumpfegger, E. (2022). Success Factors in Equity Crowdfunding – Evidence from Crowdcube, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, aop,
  • Weilage, C., & Maraz, G. (2022). Online Study’s Influence on International Student Employability Factors in Germany: Germany vs. Overseas Based Students. Journal of Teaching in International Business.
  • Weilage, C., & Stumpfegger, E. (2022), Technology acceptance by university lecturers: a reflection on the future of online and hybrid teaching. On the Horizon, 30.2, pp. 112-121.
  • Kraft, P., Dowling, M., & Helm, P. (2021). New business models with Industrie 4.0 in the Mittelstand. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 21(1), pp. 47-68.
  • Kramer, K., Wagner, D., & Scheck, B. (2021). Reaping the digital dividend? Sport marketing’s move into esports: Insights from Germany. European Journal of International Management, 15(3/3), pp. 339-366.
  • Sharma Nittala, S., Shah Bharadwaj, S., Tripathi, S., & Seif, H. (2021). Service Innovation enabled by Internet of Things and Cloud Computing – A Service-Dominant Logic Perspective. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2020). A Simple Economic Model to Explain Different Digitization Patterns, Applied Economics Quarterly, 66 (4), pp. 239-257.
  • Bartholomae, F., & Rafih, P. (2020). What Drives Bitcoins? A Comparative Study of Bitcoin Prices and Financial Asset Classes, CESifo Forum, 21 (1), pp. 41-45.
  • Jung, H. H., & Pfister, F. M. J. (2020). Blockchain-enabled Clinical Study Consent Management. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(2), pp. 14-24.
  • Bartholomae, F., Morasch, K. & Johannemann, K. (2019). Informationsökonomik II: Adverse Selektion, Screening und Signaling. wisu, 48 (8-9), pp. 959-966.
  • Bartholomae, F., Morasch, K. & Johannemann, K. (2019). Informationsökonomik I: Erwartungsnutzen, Informationssysteme und Moral Hazard. wisu, 48 (7), pp. 826-832.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2018). Digital Transformation, International Competition and Specialization. CESifo Forum 19 (4), pp. 23-28.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2018). Cybercrime and Cloud Computing. A Game Theoretic Network Model. Managerial and Decision Economics 39 (3), pp. 297-305.
  • Wagner, D., Wenzel, M., Wagner, H.-T., & Koch, J. (2017). Sense, seize, reconfigure: Online communities as strategic assets. Journal of Business Strategy, (38)5, pp. 27-34.

Academic Book

  • Schmidkonz, C. (2021). Quick Guide. Glück im Arbeitsleben. Wie der Arbeitsalltag in Unternehmen gesünder, glücklicher und erfolgreicher gestaltet werden kann. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Gabler.
  • Welledits, V., Schmidkonz, Ch., & Kraft, P. (2019). Digital Detox im Arbeitsleben. Methoden und Empfehlungen für einen gesunden Einsatz von Technologien. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer.

Academic Book Chapter

  • Matz, L., Abeza, G., & Wagner, D. (in press). COVID-19 and the Bundesliga: A study of digital fan engagement strategies in professional soccer. In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Research Handbook on Sport and COVID-19. Edward Elgar.
  • Wagner, D. (2021). Online Communities in Sport. G. Abeza, N. O’Reilly, J. Sanderson, & E. Fredrick (Eds.). Social Media in Sport: Theory and Practice (pp. 57–82). Hackensack, NJ, USA: World Scientific.
  • Wenzel, M., Rauch, M., Adebile, A., Bogodistov, Y., Cénophat, S., Hartmann, M., Wagner, D., & Wohlgemuth, V. (2021). Dynamic Capabilities: Celebrating the Plurality of Understandings of the Concept. In T. Bayón, M. Eisend, J. Koch, A. Söllner, M. Vodosek, & H.-T. Wagner (Eds.), Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships: Discourses, Concepts, and Reflections (pp. 5–32). Springer International Publishing.
  • Piersig, K., Pumpat, M., Wagner, D., & Eckhardt, A. (2020). Erfolgsfaktoren für die didaktische Gestaltung von Corporate MOOCs: Erkenntnisse aus dem MOOC Human Resource Management in the Digital Age der German Graduate School of Management and Law GGS. In M. Deimann & C. Friedl (Eds.), Machen MOOCs Karriere? (pp. 77-105). Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Gabler.

Academic Conference Proceedings

  • Braun, M.-L., Wagner, D., Henkel, D. (2021). Uses and Gratifications of Online Sports Communities: A Multiple Case Study. In Köhler, T., Schoop, E., Kahnwald, N. & Sonntag, R. (Eds.). Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien. Digitale Partizipation in hybriden Realitäten und Gemeinschaften. Proceedings of the 24th Conference GeNeMe ‘21, Dresden, 07.-08.10.2021, pp. 236-245. Dresden, Germany.
  • Puschkasch, T., & Wagner, D. (2021). Managing Cloud Computing Across the Product Lifecycle: Development of a Conceptual Model. In K. Lang, J. Xu, B. Zhu, X. Liu, M. J. Shaw, H. Zhang, & M. Fan (Eds.), Smart Business: Technology and Data Enabled Innovative Business Models and Practices. 18th Workshop on e-Business, WeB 2019, Munich, Germany, December 14, 2019, Revised Selected Papers. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Wagner, D., Happe, R., Laub, T., Paech, V., Spinks, D., & Wagenaar, K. (2021). Online Panel: Building Communities of Community Builders – An International Perspective. In Köhler, T., Schoop, E., Kahnwald, N. & Sonntag, R. (Eds.). Gemeinschaften in neuen Medien. Digitale Partizipation in hybriden Realitäten und Gemeinschaften. Proceedings of the 24th Conference GeNeMe ‘21, Dresden, 07.-08.10.2021. 388-393.
  • Hieke, S., & Schmidkonz, Ch. (2020). Jump starting e-learning: the impact of COVID-19 on perceived learning success – A real-time case study. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration: Proceedings of the 23rd GeNeMe 2020 Conference (GeNeMe ‘20) (pp. 391-402). Dresden, Germany.
  • Jenney, S. I., Jung, H. H., & Seif, H. (2020). Gamification as a Means to Improve Stakeholder Management in Urban Planning Participation. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration: Proceedings of the 23rd GeNeMe 2020 Conference (GeNeMe ‘20) (pp. 90-98). Dresden, Germany.
  • Pfister, F. M. J., Katzenbach, P., Hildebrand, N., Gollan, M., & Jung, H. H. (2020). A Decentralized Consent Management System to Make COVID-19-associated Data Available for Research & Development. In XXXI ISPIM Innovation Conference Proceedings, Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Wagner, D., Ellermann, B., Schön, E.-M., & Kosub, M. (2020). Conversational Platforms als strategisches Digitalisierungsinstrument. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration: Proceedings of the 23rd GeNeMe Conference (GeNeMe ’20) (pp. 75-79). Dresden, Germany.
  • Wagner, D., Schirmer, H., Brück, A., & Peter, G. (2020). Online-Panel: Communities und Netzwerke als Treiber des digitalen Wandels: Erfahrungen, Perspektiven und Ausblick. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration: Proceedings of the 23rd GeNeMe Conference (GeNeMe '20) (pp. 60-64) Dresden, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Pfister, F. M. J. (2019). Blockchain-enabled Clinical Study Consent Management. In XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference Proceedings, Florence, Italy.
  • Wagner, D. (2018). Community Management in 2018: Bedeutung, Trends und Praktiken. In Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration. Proceedings of the 21st Conference GeNeMe (GeNeMe '18) (pp. 10-11). Dresden, Germany.
  • Piersig, K., Egloffstein, M., Pumpat, M., Eckhardt, A., & Wagner, D. (2017). Designing SPOCs for student engagement: Experiences from management education. In C. Delgado Kloos, M. Pérez Sanagustín, P. Jermann, D. Seaton, S. White, D. Jansen, & M. Calise (Eds.), Proceedings of EMOOCs 2017: Work in Progress Papers of the Experience and Research Tracks and Position Papers of the Policy Track (pp. 40-46). May 22-26, 2017, Leganés, Spain.

Academic Conference Presentation

  • Abeza, G., Achen, R., Cianfrone, B., Frederick, E., Mamo, Y., O’Reilly, N., Sanderson, J., Su, Y., & Wagner, D. (2022, June 4). Social Media as an Agent of Change in Sport. Panel presented at the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2021, July 1). Digitaler Wandel. Herausforderung für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft – Impulsvortrag Kick-off Event 2nd MBS Researchathon, Microsoft, EY and Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Pfister, F. M. J., Katzenbach, P., Hildebrand, N., Gollan, M., & Jung, H. H. (2020, June 7). A Decentralized Consent Management System to Make COVID-19-associated Data Available for Research & Development. XXXI ISPIM Innovation Conference, Virtual Space (Zoom).
  • Seif, H. (2020, January 13-14). Soziotechnisches Risikomanagement bei der Einführung von Industrie 4.0 – Risikoanalyse auf Basis einer Delphi Studie. Verbundtreffen SORISMA, Paderborn, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2019, Dezember 10). Digitalisierung im Vertrieb – Optimierung der Digital Customer Experience. 6. Öffentliche Ringvorlesung Digital Tuesday – Shaping the future together, Constance, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2019, June 19). Blockchain-enabled Clinical Study Consent Management. XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference, June 16-19, 2019, Florence, Italy.
  • Seif, H. (2019, December 17). Prinzipien zur Entwicklung einer Plattformstrategie für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen. CODE University Berlin, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, June 11). Marktanalyse zu aktuellen IIoT Plattformen im US-amerikanischen Markt. It‘s OWL Forschungsprojektausschuss, Paderborn, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, February 19). Instrumentarium zur Leistungssteigerung von mittelständischen Unternehmen durch Industrie 4.0 Lösungen – Ergebnispräsentation aus dem Forschungsprojekt INLUMIA. Fachkonferenz für Analyse und Bewertung von Big Data basierten Geschäftsmodellen im Mittelstand. Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany.
  • Kraft, P., Dowling, M., & Helm, R. (2018, September 7). Customer Value Creation with Industry 4.0: A Case Study of Business Models in the German Mittelstand. Enterprise Research Innovation Conference, September 6-8, 2018, Split, Croatia.
  • Seif, H., & Drewel, M. (2018, June 26). Umsetzung von Industrie 4.0 in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) mit Hilfe von Industrie 4.0-Umsetzungsmustern. INLUMIA Begleitkreistreffen, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Paderborn, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, May 28-29). Policy Research Workshop 2018 Industry 4.0: Challenges for productivity, employment and inclusion Session 1: New digital technologies: Potential for innovation. German Development Institute, Bonn, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, February 14). Telekommunikationslösungen für mittelständische Unternehmen, INLUMIA-Reifegrad-Modell und Performance-Steigerung durch Industrie 4.0. Forschungsgruppentreffen, Vienna, Austria.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2017, September 20). Cybercrime and Cloud Computing. A Game Theoretic Network Model. German Economic Association of Business Administration, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2017, June 30). Cybercrime and Cloud Computing. A Game Theoretic Network Model. Bavarian Micro Day, Neubiberg, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2017, October 26). Key Note: New Structures and Business Models in Smart Cities. Fulbright-Norton-Rose-Congress “Sustainable Cities”, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2017, September 9). Use Cases Im Kontext von Industrie 4.0 – Potenziale für die produzierende Industrie. Konferenz der Industrial Data Spaces Association, Munich, Germany.

Working Paper / Report

  • Bieliaieva, N., Jung, H. H., Vulpus, S. (2022). Analyse des digitalen Reifegrades potenzieller E-Commerce Lösungen in der deutschen Energiebranche am Beispiel einer White Label Plattform. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2022-01.
  • Du, L., Bartholomae, F., & Stumpfegger, E. (2021). What Factors are Relevant for Success in UK Equity Crowdfunding? Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3869), 2021-01 (MBS Working Paper). 
  • Goetzeler, T., Jung, H., & Kraft, P. (2021). Customer Experience im Einzelhandel: Einsatz digitaler In-Store-Technologien am Fallbeispiel Sephora Virtual Artist. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2021-06.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2020). Lohnt sich die Digitalisierung für jedes Unternehmen – im Hinblick auf hohe Investitionskosten und die Gefahr durch Cyberkriminalität? Eine analytische Betrachtung. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3869), 2020-01
  • Birk, L. M., Pietsch, D., & Jung, H. H. (2020). Der Einfluss des Megatrends Digitalisierung auf den Vertrieb eines Automobilherstellers an Endverbraucher anhand der Customer Journey. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2020-02.
  • Clauss, A., Collet, S., Laub, T., Lämmer, S., Schnurr, J.-M., & Wagner, D. (2020). Profilinterviews zu den BVCM-Berufsbildern. Nordkirchen: Bundesverband Community Management e. V. für digitale Kommunikation und Social Media.
  • Clauss, A., Collet, S., Laub, T., Kämmer, S., Schnurr, J.-M., & Wagner, D. (2019). Social-Media- und Community-Management in Deutschland 2018. Nordkirchen: Bundesverband Community Management e.V. für digitale Kommunikation und Social Media. Retrieved from
  • Bartholomae, F. (2018). Ökonomische Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf den internationalen Wettbewerb und die internationale Arbeitsteilung. Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fachgruppe für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge 30 (1), Neubiberg. Retrieved from
  • Bartholomae, F. (2017). Cybercrime and Cloud Computing. A Game Theoretic Network Model. GEABA Discussion Paper Series in Economic and Management, Discussion Paper No. 17-05, Koblenz, Germany.
  • Mazzucco, B., Jung H. H., & Kraft, P. (2017). Auswirkungen der digitalen Transformation auf die Fitnessbranche in Deutschland. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2017-06.

Practitioner Journal

  • Bartholomae, F., & Stumpfegger, E. (2022). Digitalisierungsdruck in der Finanzbranche – Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kundenwünschen und neuen Wettbewerbern, CFO aktuell. Zeitschrift für Finance & Controlling, 1/2022, pp. 8-10.
  • Seif, H., & Ostermann, H. (2020). Lineare Strategien und exponentielle Dimensionen – der Zusammenhang zwischen Geschäftsmodellen und Technologien im ökonomischen System der digitalen Plattformen. Next Industry 01 / 2020, pp. 66-69.
  • Goerke, M., & Seif, H. (2019). Der Business Data Scientist: Praktische Daten-Anwendungen zum Steuern und Entscheiden in Unternehmen. Controller Magazin, Januar/Februar 2019, pp. 36-39.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch., Kraft, P., & Welledits, V. (2019). Zurück zur Selbstbestimmung. Human Resource Manager, 06/2019, pp. 74-77.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch., Kraft, P., & Reitmeier, P. (2018). Transformative Technologien. Wie Technologien zur inneren Ruhe führen sollen. KMU-Magazin, 11/12, pp. 42-45.
  • Wagner, D. (2017). Eine Chance für Kultur: Community Management im Kulturmarketing. Kultur und Management im Dialog, 121, pp. 17-22.

Practitioner Book

  • Jung, H. H., & Kraft, P. (Eds.). (2017). Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.

Practitioner Book Chapter

  • Albrecht, A. (2017). Leadership 4.0: Virtuelle Organisationsformen. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 19-34). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Baldi, S. (2017). Grenzenlos digital und digitale Grenzen: Implikationen der digitalen Vernetzung für Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Bildung. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 371-383). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Echterhoff, B., Gausemeier, J., Koldewey, Ch., Mittag, T., Schneider, M., & Seif, H. (2017). Geschäftsmodelle für die Industrie 4.0. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 35-56). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Crisand, M. (2017). Digitalisierung als Treiber für den Wandel in der landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfung – Ausgewählte Fallbeispiele. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 257-274). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Kraft, P. (2017). Vorwort. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (V-XI). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Kraft, P., & Jung, H. H. (2017). Auf dem Weg zum smarten Kunden – Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für das Marketing. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 101-115). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Reschke, J., Rennhak, C., & Kraft, P. (2017). Digitale Transformation in der Marketing-Kommunikation – Die Bedeutung des Social Media Measurements. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 117-128). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Rüdiger, H. M., & von Schubert, A. (2017). Interne Kundenorientierung in der Beschaffung – Chancen durch die konsequente Umsetzung abteilungsübergreifender digitaler Kooperationsnetzwerke. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 129-141). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Schmalfuß, B., Bauer, J., Seif, H., Sauer, O., & Pagnozzi, D. (2017). Intrapreneurship im Zeichen der High-Tech-Produktentwicklung. In H. H. Jung &, P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 89-99). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Schmidkonz, Ch. (2017). Das Individuum und die Digitalisierung: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 357-369). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.
  • Suhm, A., & Jung, H. H. (2017). Vernetzte Fahrzeuge – Neue Geschäftsmodelle für Mobilität. In H. H. Jung, & P. Kraft (Eds.), Digital vernetzt. Transformation der Wertschöpfung. Szenarien, Optionen und Erfolgsmodelle für smarte Geschäftsmodelle, Produkte und Services (pp. 225-240). Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, Germany.

Practitioner Meeting Presentation

  • Jung, H.H. (2021, May 20). Key Note Warum beschäftigen wir uns mit Daten? Fachkonferenz Smart Data Day 2021, UNITY AG Büren.
  • Jung, H. H. (2021, May 5). Warum beschäftigen wir uns mit Smart Data?. Smart Data Day, UNITY Webinar, Munich, Germany.
  • Putzke, H., Jung, H. H. (2021, October 19). Optimierung wertschöpfender Händlerprozesse im Rahmen der Digitalen Transformation bei BMW Motorrad Deutschland. 5. Fachkonferenz Digitalisierung im Vertrieb 2021, Management Forum Starnberg.
  • Seif, H., & Pekar, T. (2021, February 23-24). Elemente für einen Marktplatz künstlicher Intelligenz – Komponenten, Funktionalitäten und Use Cases. Erstes Meilensteintreffen des Verbundprojektes am Heinz-Nixdorf-Institut Paderborn, Online-Meeting.
  • Wagner, D. (2021, July 27). Ist Customer Engagement über Social Media überhaupt (noch) möglich? #d2mtalk Marathon, Munich, Germany.
  • Wagner, D. (2021, April 27). Trends im Customer Engagement und Community Management. #d2mtalk, episode 55, Munich, Germany.
  • Braungart, M., Jung, H. H., Shaw, D., & Wimking, J. (2020, March 30). Future Textile Supply Chain – Expert Panel Discussion at KEYHOUSE. Munich Fabric Start 2020, Munich, Germany.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2019, July 4). Game Theoretic Decision Basis for Digitization Using the Example of the Financial Industry. Digitalisierung in der Finanzbranche – Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmenspraxis. 8. Digitalisierungskongress der BWL Fakultät, Hochschule für angewandtes Management, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2019, Dezember 5). Keynote 2: Processes & Cooperations. VDE-ITG working group 5.7, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Vulpus, S. (2019, Oktober 15). Digitalisierung des Kundenmanagements: Erfahrungen beim Energiewirtschafts-Unternehmen E-MAKS GmbH & Co. KG, Fachkonferenz Digitalisierung im Vertrieb, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Putzke, H. (2019, Oktober 10). Optimierung der Händlerprozesse im Rahmen der Digitalen Transformation. BMW IT Messe, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2019, April 4). Erkenntnisse aus InnoServPro und deren branchenübergreifenden Verwertungsmöglichkeiten. Handlungsfelder für das Vermarkten von Innovationen: Erfolgsfaktoren für eine optimale Kommerzialisierung von Innovationen. Ergebniskonferenz InnoServPro, Hannover Messe, Hanover, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2019, Februar 1). Vom Kunden zum Fan einer Love Brand. Wie gestalten wir erfolgreich die digitale Customer Journey? Fachkonferenz mit Best Practice – Digitalisierung im Vertrieb, Wettbewerbsvorsprung für ihre Vertriebsorganisation, Cologne, Germany.
  • Seif, H., & Jung, H. H. (2019, October 16). The Two Sides of Innovation – Technology Push vs. Market Pull. MBS Global Week 2019, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, June 21). Insights to German Research Projects in the Field of Industrial Internet Technologies – Current State of the Art and Future Prospects. Delegation Meeting of Indian Representatives. Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, May 8). It‘s OWL Plattformstrategien für die Digitalisierung produzierender Unternehmen. OMR Hamburg, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, May 3). Leistungssteigerung von Sportstättenbetrieben durch Industrie 4.0 Lösungen – Ansätze aus dem Forschungsprojekt INLUMIA. CRM- und IT-Leitertreffen der Deutschen Fußball Liga DFL, Mayence, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, March 15). Verwertungsansätze von Ergebnissen aus dem Forschungsprojekt INLUMIA für das Anwendungszentrum Oberpfaffenhofen. DLR/AZO Tagung, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, March 5). Ansätze zur Digitalisierung in dünn besiedelten Regionen. Fachgruppe Digitalisierung Nordrheinwestfalen, Paderborn, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, February 22). Rentabilitätsbetrachtung von Industrie 4.0 Lösungen für Investitionsentscheidungen. 3rd Growth Friday. Donner & Reuschel München, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2019, January 21). E-Government & Digital Administration – What Future Approach is Realistic. German-Baltic Digital Summit, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Bartholomae, F. (2018, June 28). Digitalisierung, internationaler Wettbewerb & Arbeitsteilung. Symposium „Digitalisierung und Ökonomie – Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmenspraxis“, 7. Digitalisierungskongress der BWL Fakultät, Hochschule für angewandtes Management und Tech Mahindra, Munich, Germany.
  • Czerechowicz, R., & Jung, H. H. (2018, November 26). Google Culture & Work Environment. MBS Connected Vehicle Lab, Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Glanzmann, G., & Jung, H. H. (2018, November 14). Digitale Geschäftsmodelle für die Einspurmobilität der Zukunft. MBS Connected Vehicle Lab, Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Faust, H., & Jung, H. H. (2018, Oktober 29). Woodstock oder Waterloo – über den notwendigen Kulturwandel in Unternehmen. MBS Connected Vehicle Lab, Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2019, Dezember 5). Keynote 2: Processes & Cooperations. VDE-ITG working group 5.7, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2018, June 5). Artificial Intelligence. Hackathon Predictive Maintenance: Praxisbeispiel und Data Mining Lösungen für vorausschauende Instandhaltung. Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA) Bayern in Cooperation with Munich Business School, UNITY AG, Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H. (2018, May 17). Artificial Intelligence & Innovation. Absolventum Mannheim (Section Munich), Munich, Germany.
  • Schneider, H., & Jung, H. H. (2018, März 14). Facebook – eCommerce in a Mobile World. MBS Connected Vehicle Lab, Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, Dezember 14). INLUMIA – Ansätze für die mittelständische Bauindustrie. Baustelle 4.0 Anwendertreffen. UNITY AG, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, November 21-22). Nearshoring Approaches for the Development of Industry 4.0 Solutions. Expert Group Meeting 2018. Software Campus Cluj, Romania.
  • Seif, H. (2018, November 16). Industrie 4.0 Low Cost Lösungen für den Mittelstand. INLUMIA Ergebnispräsentation. IHK München, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, November 6). Industry 4.0 Business Model Solutions for Small and Medium Sized Manufacturing Enterprises. Symposium for Industrial Internet Applications, Lubljana, Slovenia.
  • Seif, H. (2018, September 17). Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation für den Einsatz von Industriesoftware. Fachsymposium Product Life Cycle Management, Allershausen, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, September 13-14). Ermittlung des INLUMIA Reifegrades als Startpunkt für Digitalisierungsinitiativen in Unternehmen. Fachsymposium Industrie 4.0 für alle, Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt, Wildau, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, July 9). Bildungsbedarf im Digitalen Zeitalter. Internet Economy – Reflektiert: Strategien für die digitale Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Fachsymposium der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaft, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, July 5). New Technologies and New Work. Quantum Technology – Impact on Computing and Communication. Fachkonferenz IBM Watson IoT Center, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, June 28). Disruptive Technologies in the FinTech Industry – Impact on the traditional Banking Sector. China Merchants Bank, Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
  • Seif, H. (2018, March 22-23). INLUMIA-Anforderungen für Unified Data Models im Industrial Data Space Summit. International Data Spaces Association Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Wagner, D. (2018, December 12). Social-Media- und Community-Management in Deutschland 2018. 84th Mercedes-Benz Social Media Night, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Wagner, D. (2018, October 24). Social Media im Sportmanagement. MedienCampus Bayern, Munich, Germany.
  • Jung, H. H., & Mauser M. (2017, November 23.). Digital Transformation in Automotive. MBS Connected Vehicle Lab, Munich Business School, Munich, Germany.
Other Intellectual Contributions
Other Intellectual Contributions This section lists intellectual contributions that cannot be directly assigned to any of the university's research fields.

Academic Conference Proceedings

  • Xicota, N. (2018). Aprender una lengua. XXIV. Jornadas Hispánicas: En movimiento. Spanischunterricht in einer mobilen Gesellschaft, September 6-8, 2018. Romanisches Seminar, Leibnitz Universität Hannover, Germany.
  • Xicota Tort, N. (2017, April 1). La gramática pedagógica en la clase de ELE. XXI Deutscher Hispanistentag. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich.

Working Paper/Report

  • Sauer, A., Kraft, P., & Rennhak, C. (2016). Humanitarian Supply Chain Performance Management: Development and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Performance Measurement Framework Based on the Balanced Scorecard. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2016-02.

Practitioner Book Chapter

  • Weilage, C. (2015). Das Job Interview auf Englisch. In M. Mangelsdorf (Ed.), "Warum sollte ich für Sie arbeiten?": Die besseren Rezepte fürs Jobinterview (144-146). Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.

Practitioner Meeting Presentation

  • Xicota Tort, N. (2016, June 3). Präsentation des Lehrbuches Universo.ele A., Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Xicota Tort, N. (2016, June 3). Aprender léxico o memorizar vocabulario: ¿Cómo desarrollar la competencia léxica de mis estudiantes? Stuttgart, Germany.
  • Xicota Tort, N. (2016, March 4). Präsentation des Lehrbuches Universo.ele A2. Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
  • Xicota Tort, N. (2016, February 22). Präsentation des Lehrbuches Universo.ele A1 und A2. Technischen Universität München, Munich, Germany.
  • Xicota Tort, N. (2016, February 22). La Gramática Cognitiva o cómo didactizar los fenómenos gramaticale, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany.


  • Xicota Tort, N., & Guerrero García, E. (2016). Universo.ele B1: Spanisch für Studierende. Munich: Hueber Verlag.
  • Bartholomae, F. W., & Wiens, M. (2016), Spieltheorie – Ein anwendungsorientiertes Lehrbuch. Springer: Wiesbaden.
  • Xicota Tort, N., & Guerrero García, E. (2015): Universo.ele A2: Spanisch für Studierende. Munich: Hueber Verlag.
  • Xicota Tort, N., & Guerrero García, E. (2015). Universo.ele A1: Spanisch für Studierende. Munich: Hueber Verlag.

Internet/Blog Contribution

Center of Expertise

European Center for Social Finance

The European Center for Social Finance (ECSF) at Munich Buisness School was founded in autumn 2018. The aim of the institution is to bundle MBS' expert knowledge in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social finance and to provide a platform for applied research in these areas. The European Center for Social Finance is headed by Dr. Barbara Scheck, Professor of Entrepreneurship at MBS and proven expert in Social Entrepreneurship. The Center is dedicated to academic research, business intelligence and technical support in the field of social finance and has a wide range of proven tools and experience in working with relevant stakeholders in the social finance sector. The European Center for Social Finance maintains close relationships within the European Community and works with experts across the continent.


Research Projects

ELDiCo - Exploitative Leadership in Digital Collaboration

ELDiCo - Exploitative Leadership in Digital Collaboration

ELDiCo is a research project that examines the complex facets and potential challenges that arise in the field of digital leadership. ELDiCo aims to identify and analyze the central mechanisms of exploitative leadership, as well as gain an understanding of their impact on the resilience of employees and leaders. Special attention is given to designing and optimizing digital communication tools to create the foundation for successful collaboration in virtual teams and improve leadership effectiveness.

The project is a collaboration between Munich Business School, Hochschule Landshut, and the University of the Allied Forces Munich (the coordinating institution). The project team includes Prof. Dr. Ellen Schmid and Dr. Melanie Vilser (Bundeswehr University), Prof. Dr. Markus Böhm (Landshut), as well as Prof. Dr. Alexandra Hauser and Maxi F. Holzapfel (MBS).

Through interdisciplinary collaboration among experts in psychology, organizational development, and informatics, ElDiCo aims to generate groundbreaking insights and practical solutions for the challenges of the digital work environment. The project’s goal is to fully harness the potentials of digital leadership while minimizing potential risks, thereby enabling sustainable and successful collaboration in the digital era.

The project will run for three years to 2027 and is funded by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt).

More information can be found on the ELDiCo website or on LinkedIN.

STAY OK - Rethinking wellbeing at workplaces in the EU SMEs

STAY OK - Rethinking wellbeing at workplaces in the EU SMEs

STAY OK is an Erasmus+ research project focusing on well-being at work, an issue that has gained significant importance due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects. STAY OK aims to develop a toolkit, particularly for small companies in the professional and consulting services sector, to increase their attractiveness in the labor market in an innovative way.
STAY OK - Rethinking wellbeing at workplaces in the EU SMEs

The project is an international collaboration involving the Munich Business School, EXEO Lab (Italy), MICC Maltese-Italian Chamber of Commerce (Malta), GEINNOVA (Spain), brainplus (Austria), and WAE We Are Entrepreneurs (Denmark).

Together, the partners of STAY OK are creating a comprehensive training and development course for both small business leaders and trainers, tutors, and mentors. Additionally, STAY OK supports the VET community and delivers an innovative Digital Tool for self-assessment of staff well-being and identifying corrective actions.

The project will run for two years until autumn 2025 and is funded by the EU commission with 250,000 Euros within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

More information can be found on the STAY OK website.



Social-X-Change is an Erasmsus+ research project, that aims to promote the internationalization of teaching and learning on the topic of social entrepreneurship at universities by establishing a network of centers for social innovation and social entrepreneurship.

The project is an international cooperation of MBS with three universities (ESSEC Business School in France, TED University in Turkey, Universitat Ramon Llull Fundacio in Spain) and the Impact Hub in Austria.

The research focuses mainly on social impact measurement, impact investing and the legal framework for social enterprises as well as impact-oriented enterprises.

The project will run for three years to 2025 and is funded by the EU Commission with 400.000 Euros within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

Conscious Business Education
Conscious Business Education Conscious Business Education (CBE) is an Erasmus+ funded research project coordinated by Munich Business School. It aims to develop a syllabus on the topic of conscious business for bachelor’s and master’s programs as well as for the field of executive education.
Conscious Business Education

MBS’ partners on this project are the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg (Germany), UPF Barcelona School of Management (Spain), Palacký University Olomouc (Poland), Nova School of Business and Economics (Portugal), Impact Centre Erasmus (Netherlands), and PIMEC, Catalonia’s Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (Spain). Konstantin Mudrack and Prof. Dr. Christian Schmidkonz (both MBS) are responsible for project management and academic input respectively.

Together, the partners are designing courses on all aspects of Conscious Business Education, including conscious leadership, conscious marketing, impact entrepreneurship, an ethical approach to risk management and governance, and many other relevant topics. The project will run for three years until fall 2024 and has been granted around €300,000 of funding by the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ program.

The course materials will be tested by the participating universities as part of their curricula, presented to lecturers in Business Studies at public and private universities at conferences across Europe (known as “multiplier events”) and further refined in an ongoing process of exchange.

The research project’s stated aim is to train, inspire and motivate lecturers in Business and Economics throughout Europe to adopt elements of the CBE course material in order to change the way the subjects are taught. After all, more conscious business means acting in a more ethical, people-centered, regenerative, inclusive, stakeholder-oriented, and purpose-driven manner.

More information on the launch of the research project can be found on the MBS blog Insights and on Conscious Business Education's website.

EASE - Empowering Adult Survivors of domestic violence through Entrepreneurship

EASE - Empowering Adult Survivors of domestic violence through Entrepreneurship

EASE - "Empowering Adult Survivors of domestic violence through Entrepreneurship" is an Erasmsus+ research project, that aims to support women affected by domestic violence in their regeneration and professional reintegration, through training and mentoring programs in the start-up/ entrepreneurship field. It also creates an opportunity for institutions of higher education, to expand their curricula, and offer new educational pathways for adults who have already left higher education or the education sector.
EASE - Empowering Adult Survivors of domestic violence through Entrepreneurship

The project is being carried out under the leadership and coordination of MBS professors Dr. Patricia Kraft and Dr. Barbara Scheck. Further partners are Institute de Preparation a l'Administration et a la Gestion (France) and the University of New York in Prague, s.r.o. (Czech Republic), the think tank ThinkYoung (Belgium) and the NGOs led by HER (France) and Fondatsiya Bulgarski Tsentar za Gender Izvedvaniya (Bulgaria).

Pilot projects are being carried out in France, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria, with the goal to enable replication across Europe. The project will run for three years to 2024 and is funded by the EU Commission with approx. 380.000 Euros within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.

More information can be  found here EASE website.

WEMAG - Women Entrepreneurs in the Maghreb
WEMAG - Women Entrepreneurs in the Maghreb The research project Women Entrepreneurs in the Maghreb (WEMAG) is a cooperation of MBS lead by Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft and Prof. Dr. Barbara Scheck with the European universities IPAG Business School (France, lead partner) and VIVES University College (Belgium) as well as the Tunisian universities of Sousse and Gafsa and the Moroccan universities Hassan 1 and Abdellah (duration November 2020 to November 2023).
WEMAG - Women Entrepreneurs in the Maghreb

The aim of this project, funded by the EU Commission, is to increase start-up activities by female students and graduates in African universities from a teaching and research perspective by jointly building knowledge and finding solutions to (gender-specific) challenges.

More information on the launch of the research project can be found on the MBS blog Insights and and on WEMAG's website.

EaSI - Technical Assistance for Social Finance Providers
EaSI - Technical Assistance for Social Finance Providers Commissioned by the European Commission, the European Center for Social Finance at Munich Business School analyses the innovation potential of social enterprises and their positive impact on the economy and society, and provides support for capacity building.

Cooperation partners are Munich Business School (Prof. Dr Barbara Scheck, ECSF), Dr Yiorgios Alexopoulos (Greece), NGEN Impact GmbH (Dr Wolfgang Spiess-Knafl, Austria). The project has a total volume of 2.4 million euros.

Yes! - Young Entrepreneurs Succeed
Yes! - Young Entrepreneurs Succeed In many regions of Europe, young people still face great difficulties when trying to start and successfully run a business. So far, however, there has been great uncertainty about the best ways to provide support.

The research project "Young Entrepreneurs Succeed" (YES!) is addressing this issue. It aims to explore the most effective initiatives to support young entrepreneurs and the young unemployed as they enter the labour market. The target group is young people in Greece, Poland, Italy and Spain. Its long-term project objective is to develop a transnational, sustainable, replicable and scalable set of support methods.

The project is funded with € 2.3 million by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. Represented by MBS Professor Dr. Barbara Scheck and MBS Research Associate Giulia Parola, Munich Business School is the official expertise project partner of „Trust-based Partnership – Yes!“.

More information can be found on the website of Young Entrepreneur Succeed.


MBS Research Reports

MBS Working Papers incl. Outstanding Thesis

Outstanding Thesis

Working Papers since 2021




Working Papers 2010 – 2020











Working Papers 2003 – 2009








New publications

New publications by MBS authors
  • Antonio, J. L., Schmidkonz, Ch., Kraft, P. (2022). Promises Have a Price: An Analysis of Higher Purpose, Purpose Washing, and Financial Performance Using the Example of Germany’s DAX 30. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2022-05.
  • Aouinaïta, C., Christen, D., Carlen, C., Massri, C., Reipurth, M., Hieke, S., … Chang, B. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of purchasing from short food supply chains in Europe: Insights from stakeholder perspective. International Journal of Food Studies, 11 (July 2022), SI196 - SI207.
  • Aschari-Lincoln, J., & Scheck, B. (2022). F(i)unding Your Way: A Managerial Compass for Social Organizations. Sustainability, 14(3), 1396.
  • Bartholomae, F. W. (2022). Aus der Spieltheorie für die Praxis lernen. people & work, 2022(03), 26-30.
  • Bartholomae, F. W., Woon Nam, C., & Rafi, P. (2022). Wahlerfolg der AfD und die Flüchtlingskrise: Spielen                 regionale Disparitäten eine Rolle? Wirtschaftsdienst, 102(11), 891-897.
  • Bartholomae, F. W. (2020, published 2022). A Simple Economic Model to Explain Different Digitization Patterns. Applied Economics Quarterly, 66 (4), 239-257
  • Bartholomae, F. W., Stumpfegger, E. (2022). Digitalisierungsdruck in der Finanzbranche: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kundenwünschen und neuen Wettbewerbern. CFO aktuell - Zeitschrift für Finance & Controlling, 16(1), 8-10.
  • Bieliaieva, N., Jung, H. H., & Vulpus, S. (2022). Analyse des digitalen Reifegrades potenzieller E-Commerce Lösungen in der deutschen Energiebranche am Beispiel einer White Label Plattform. Munich Business School Working Paper Series (ISSN 2367-3839), 2022-01.
  • Buchmüller, P., Hofinger, J., & Weiß, G. (2022). Aktueller Stand der regulatorischen Vorgaben für Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken in Deutschland. Chair in Sustainable Finance & Banking Working Paper Series, Universität Leipzig, Nr. 22-01.
  • Chang, B., Massri, C., Reipurth, M., Petropoulou, E., Hüttl-Maack, V., Gawlik, D., ... Hieke, S. (2022). Barriers and facilitators of purchasing from short food supply chains: Evidence from consumer focus groups in Germany, Spain, Greece and Hungary. International Journal of Food Studies, 11 (July 2022), SI208 - SI218.
  • Du, L., Bartholomae, F. W., Stumpfegger, E. (2022). Success Factors in Equity Crowdfunding – Evidence from Crowdcube. Entrepreneurship Research Journal.
  • Haggenmüller, S., Werling, W.-H., & Röhm, T. (2022). Die zögerliche digitale Transformation der Finanzfunktion in mittelständischen Unternehmen in Deutschland – ein Leadership-Problem? Rethinking Finance, 05/2022, 46-53.
  • Hastenteufel, J., Weber, S., Röhm, T. (Eds.) (2022). Digitalisierung im Controlling - Praxisorientierte Lösungsansätze und Chancen für Unternehmen. Springer Gabler.
  • Hillert, S., Hillert, A., Albrecht, A., Kolbe, S., & Surzykiewicz, J. (2022). Laufbahn- und Lebensplanungs-Beratung von „orientierungslosen“ Jugendlichen und Adoleszenten : systemische Aspekte, Paradigmenwechsel in der VUKA-Welt und konzeptuelle Perspektiven. In: Honal, W., Graf, D., & Knoll, F. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Schulberatung. 128. Aufl., Kulmbach, Germany: mgo Fachverlage. ISBN 978-3-946321-54-5
  • Matz, L., Abeza, G., Wagner, D. (2022). COVID-19 and the Bundesliga: A Study of Digital Fan Engagement Strategies in Professional Soccer. In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Research Handbook on Sport and COVID-19 (pp. 301 - 312). Edward Elgar.
  • Nasher, J., Thompson, L. (2022). Detecting Deception in Negotiation: From Natural Observation to Strategic Provocation. In L. Wilkin & Y. Pathak (Eds.), De Gruyter Handbook of Organizational Conflict Management (pp. 199-216). De Gruyter.
  • Röhm, T. (2022). Controlling: Aktuelle Chancen und Herausforderungen an das Daten- und Informationsmanagement. CFOaktuell, 16(6), 203-205.
  • Röhm, T. (2022). Data Governance und Controlling. In J. Hastenteufel, S. Weber & T. Röhm (Eds.), Digitalisierung im Controlling - Praxisorientierte Lösungsansätze und Chancen für Unternehmen (pp. 197 – 210). Springer Gabler.
  • Scheck, B., Reich, S. (2022). Ein wirkungsorientiertes Kreditportfolio - Zielsetzung, Messung, Analyse und Steuerung. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, 75(1), 13-17.
  • Stumpfegger, E., Weilage, C. (2022). Technology Acceptance by University Lecturers: A Reflection on the Future of Online and Hybrid Teaching. On the Horizon, 30(2), 112-121.
  • Tryba, A., Breugst, N., Patzelt, H. (2022). Knowledge Diversity and Venture Growth: The Contingent Effects of Early Planning and Experimentation. British Journal of Management.
  • Weilage, C., Maraz, G. (2022). Online Study’s Influence on International Student Employability Factors in Germany: Germany vs. Overseas Based Students. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 33(1), 7-30.


Awards for MBS Researchers
  • Röhm, T. (2021). Employer Branded Case Studies – The Business Case Challenger. Nominated in the category of best university chair project, Science Award, EHI Foundation.
  • Author Best Paper Award in the Business & Economics Track of the 4th International Conference on New Directions in Multidisciplinary Research & Practice, May 12-13, London, for Albon, A., Kraft, P., & Rennhak, C. (2018). Analyzing the Credibility of E-Word-of-Mouth Using Customer Reviews on Social Media.
  • Seif, H. et al. (2020, July 29): Erster Platz in der „Give a Breath“ Challenge (Designwettbewerb für Notfallbeatmungsgeräte in der Coronavirus-Pandemie) der Fraunhofer Gesellschaft und Munich RE für das VividBreath-Team, einer Initiative der Munich Business School und NEMEON e.V.
  • Tryba, A. (2017, August 1). Best Reviewer Award Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management, 2017, Atlanta, U.S.
PAGE-TITLE: Research at MBS