study scholarship:
What makes the difference?

study scholarship: What makes the difference?

A study scholarship can make all the difference for many students by alleviating financial burdens and allowing them to concentrate fully on their studies. In this article, we take a closer look at the topic of “scholarship study” and shed light on the opportunities it offers, who is eligible and how to successfully apply for a scholarship.

What exactly is a Study Scholarship?

A “study scholarship” is not a specific term, but can refer to different types of scholarships that help students finance their apprenticeship. It can be financial support awarded on the basis of academic performance, special talents, social commitment or other criteria. Scholarships may be available for undergraduate study as well as advanced programs such as masters or doctoral studies.

Why should you be interested in a Study Scholarship

A scholarship to study can offer numerous benefits. Not only can it make a significant financial contribution by covering tuition fees and reducing living costs, but it can also positively influence your academic and professional development. Being awarded a scholarship to study often also recognizes outstanding achievements and special commitment, which in turn can strengthen your application for future educational and career opportunities. Furthermore, many scholarship programs also offer additional support such as mentoring, networking opportunities and international experience. It is therefore worth taking an interest in scholarship study and taking advantage of the many opportunities it offers.

Do I need good grades to get a Study Scholarship?

Good grades are often an important factor in the awarding of a scholarship to study. Many scholarship providers place great importance on academic performance as it is an indicator of the applicant's potential and ability to perform in their studies. However, this is not always the sole criterion, and there are also one or two scholarships for study that take other qualities such as social commitment, leadership skills or special talents into account. It is therefore worth finding out about various scholarship programs and looking for those that best suit your individual strengths and qualifications in order to successfully start your scholarship study.

Information about the MBS Scholarships:

On our website Scholarships and Study Funding you will find information about the scholarships for which you can apply for your MBS study scholarship.

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Advantages & disadvantages of a scholarship to study in Germany

This table provides an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of study scholarships, although it should be noted that specific experiences and conditions may vary depending on the study scholarship.

Advantages Disadvantages
Financial support for tuition fees and living expenses Competition: Scholarships are often highly competitive and difficult to obtain
Recognition of outstanding achievement and commitment Limited availability: Not every qualified applicant receives a scholarship
Support for academic and professional development through additional resources Possible commitments: Some scholarships require certain commitments during or after study scholarship
Opportunity for mentoring, internships or study abroad Administrative expenses: Application processes can be time consuming and complex
Less debt compared to student loans

Study scholarship Requirements

Study scholarship requirements may vary depending on the scholarship provider and program. In general, however, the following criteria are often considered:

  1. Academic performance: Good to outstanding school or university performance is often required.
  2. Social commitment: Active participation in extracurricular or community service activities can be an important factor.
  3. Personal characteristics: Special talents, skills or life circumstances may also be taken into account.
  4. Motivation and goals: A clear idea of your educational and career goals as well as your motivation to study are often important.
  5. Financial need: Some scholarships are specifically aimed at students with financial difficulties.

It is advisable to carefully check the exact requirements for each study scholarship program and make sure you meet all requirements before you apply.

What kind of funding can I get for my study scholarship?

The type of funding you receive for your study scholarship can vary depending on the scholarship and the scholarship provider. Some scholarships offer monthly financial support designed to cover tuition fees, living costs and other expenses during your study scholarship. This monthly support may include a fixed amount or an amount per semester of study scholarship. In addition, some scholarships may also provide additional benefits or support, such as:

  1. Book allowance or study materials
  2. Grants for research projects or conference participation
  3. Support for stays abroad or internships
  4. Mentoring programs or networking events
  5. Access to special educational or career programs

It is important to carefully review the terms and benefits of each study scholarship to understand what type of support you will receive and how it is organized. Some scholarships pay out support monthly, while others may have a different payment structure, such as quarterly or annually in your study scholarship.

How do I find a
study scholarship?

How to find a scholarship

Research Search online for scholarship databases, websites of foundations, universities and other educational institutions. These often provide information on available scholarships and their respective criteria.
Counseling Services Many colleges and educational institutions offer counseling services for scholarship applications. Use these resources to get information about available scholarships and application procedures.
Scholarship Programs Some organizations offer specific scholarship programs. Find out about these programs and check if you meet their criteria.
Network Talk to teachers, career counselors, alumni and other students to get information about possible scholarships. Scholarships are often found through word of mouth or personal recommendations.
Application documents Prepare your application documents carefully, including a convincing cover letter, a CV and, if applicable, a letter of motivation. Make sure that your documents meet the required criteria and clearly show your strengths and qualifications.
Observe deadlines Pay attention to the application deadlines for the scholarships you are interested in and submit your application on time.

To find a study scholarship, you can follow the steps above. By following these steps and actively searching for a study scholarship, you increase your chances of finding a suitable study scholarship.

How do I apply for a study scholarship?

Applying for a study scholarship can vary depending on the scholarship program and scholarship provider. There are also several important points that you should bear in mind when applying.

What should I bear in mind when applying for a Study Scholarship?

  • Completeness of documents: Make sure that you complete and submit all the required documents. Do not forget any documents and make sure that all information is correct.
  • Application deadlines: Observe the application deadlines and submit your documents on time. Late applications are often not considered, regardless of the quality of the application.
  • Individuality and authenticity: Express your personality and motivation in your application. Avoid copying text modules, and show why you in particular are suitable for the scholarship.
  • Accuracy of fit: Check the criteria of the scholarship and make sure that you meet the required qualifications and prerequisites. Only apply for scholarships that really suit you.
  • Spelling and grammar: Make sure you use correct spelling and grammar in your application documents. Errors can leave a negative impression and reduce your chances of receiving the scholarship.
  • Justification and argumentation: Explain clearly why you would like to receive the scholarship and what goals you are pursuing with it. Justify your application with concrete examples and arguments.
  • Letter of reference: If necessary, provide meaningful letters of reference from teachers, professors or employers in good time. These can support your application and provide evidence of your qualifications.

By paying attention to these points and preparing your application carefully, you can maximize your chances of receiving a study scholarship.

What types of study scholarship are there?

There are different types of study scholarships, which can be differentiated according to criteria and funding. Some common types of study scholarship are as follows.

Overview: Types of Study Scholarship

The following graphic provides a brief overview of the main types of study scholarship that often come up and that you can aim for.

Explanation: Types of Study Scholarship

These are just a few examples, and the variety of scholarships can vary depending on the country, educational institution and organization. It is worth looking specifically for a study scholarship that suits your individual needs and goals.

Doctoral Scholarships

These are specifically intended for doctoral students and can provide financial support as well as the opportunity to concentrate fully on research.

Scholarships Abroad

These allow students to study or do an internship abroad and often cover additional costs such as travel and accommodation.

Specific Scholarships

There are also specific scholarships for certain disciplines, target groups or projects, such as scholarships for women in science or scholarships for certain research areas.

scholarship for studying after an apprenticeship

There are various scholarships that are specifically designed for students who wish to take up further study scholarship after completing their apprenticeship. These scholarships can vary depending on the country, subject area and other criteria. It is worth looking specifically for scholarships that are tailored to your individual needs and qualifications. Find out about the various options and the respective application criteria to find the right scholarship for you. Here are some examples:

Upgrading Scholarship In Germany, the Upgrading Scholarship is awarded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is aimed at working people who have completed vocational training and would like to take up study. It provides financial support and offers access to an individual support program.
Gifted students' support organizations In some countries, there are gifted students' support organizations that offer scholarships for students with special academic achievements. These scholarships can be awarded regardless of educational background.
Company scholarships Some companies offer scholarships for their employees to support them in furthering their studies. These scholarships may be subject to conditions, such as a repayment obligation or commitment to the company after completion of the study scholarship.
Regional and institutional scholarships There are also regional and institutional scholarships that are offered specifically for students who have completed their apprenticeship. These can be awarded by state organizations, foundations, universities or other educational institutions.

Who awards a study scholarship?

A study scholarship can be awarded by various organizations, institutions and individuals. Some of the most common scholarship providers are

  1. Foundations and charitable organizations: Many foundations and non-profit organizations award scholarships to students based on academic achievement, social commitment or other criteria.
  2. Educational institutions: Colleges, universities and universities of applied sciences often offer their own scholarship programs to encourage and support talented students.
  3. Companies and employers: Some companies offer scholarships to recruit promising talent or to support their employees with further training.
  4. Government agencies and state programs: Governments at the national or local level may offer scholarship programs to facilitate access to education and support specific populations.
  5. Gifted and talented organizations: These specialized organizations often offer comprehensive scholarship programs for gifted students and also support them during their studies.
  6. Private individuals and donors: Individuals can endow scholarships to help support education. These private scholarships can have various criteria and are often awarded as a legacy or bequest.

The variety of scholarship providers offers students a wide range of opportunities to receive financial support for their study scholarship. It is worth looking specifically for a study scholarship that matches your own interests, qualifications and goals.

Scholarships for
study scholarships abroad

Study Scholarship Abroad

Financial support A scholarship can help cover the cost of tuition fees, living costs, travel and other expenses abroad, reducing financial pressure.
International experience Studying abroad allows you to learn about new cultures, improve your intercultural skills and broaden your perspective. This can have a positive impact on your professional development and career prospects.
Academic excellence Many study abroad scholarships are awarded on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. By receiving a scholarship, you demonstrate your ability to study successfully in an international environment.
Language skills Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to improve your foreign language skills or learn a new language. This can significantly improve your career opportunities in a globalized world.
Networking opportunities During your study abroad, you will have the opportunity to make contacts with international students, lecturers, alumni and professionals. These networks can help you in the future when looking for a job or for professional development.
Personal development Studying abroad will challenge you to take on new challenges, strengthen your independence and improve your problem-solving skills. This contributes to your personal development and self-confidence..

A study scholarship abroad offers a variety of benefits. Overall, a study scholarship abroad can be a rewarding and enriching experience that will not only help you academically, but also personally and professionally.

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What do I need to consider during my study scholarship?

There are several important aspects to consider during your study scholarship:

  • Compliance with the scholarship conditions: Make sure you comply with the terms of the scholarship, such as meeting certain performance standards, submitting reports or attending events.
  • Communication with the scholarship provider: Keep the scholarship provider up to date with important developments in your studies and inform them of any changes or problems in good time.
  • Managing your finances: Keep an eye on your financial situation and make sure that you use the scholarship according to the scholarship provider's guidelines. Set a budget for your expenses and plan ahead.
  • Academic performance: Stay focused and committed to your studies to meet or exceed the required performance standards. Utilize the resources and support opportunities provided by the scholarship.
  • Continuing education and development: Use the scholarship as an opportunity to develop personally and professionally. Participate in additional activities, such as internships, study abroad programs or workshops that the scholarship may support.
  • Network and maintain relationships: Build relationships with other scholarship recipients, professors, mentors and alumni. These networks can provide valuable support and resources during and after your studies.
  • Show gratitude: Show gratitude to the scholarship provider and keep them informed of your successes and progress. Saying thank you can help maintain a positive relationship and ensure future support.

By paying attention to these aspects and being actively engaged in your study scholarship, you can make the most of this opportunity and further your personal and professional development.

Differences: Study scholarship and study without scholarship

This table clearly shows the differences between a scholarship study program and a study program without a scholarship and can help you decide whether or not to apply for a scholarship study program.

Differences Study with a scholarship Study without a scholarship
Financial support Financial support for tuition fees and living costs No financial support from a scholarship, tuition fees and living costs must be covered by the student themselves
Recognition of achievements Recognition of outstanding achievements and commitment Recognition is usually based solely on academic achievements or other factors such as internships or social commitment
Support and resources Additional support for academic and professional development through resources such as mentoring, networks, etc. Students usually have to take care of the development of their skills and network themselves
Flexibility and freedom Possibly less financial burden and more freedom in choosing and organizing studies Higher financial burden may lead to less flexibility in choosing and organizing studies
Competitive advantage May provide a competitive advantage in the job market as it signals recognition for exceptional performance Possibly less competitive advantage due to lack of recognition for exceptional performance

What advantages can a study scholarship bring you in the world of work?

A study scholarship can offer a number of benefits for the world of work:

Additional Skills and Experience

Many scholarships offer additional opportunities such as internships, mentoring programs or stays abroad. These experiences can broaden your skills, strengthen your intercultural competence and improve your adaptability, which is valued in the world of work.

Academic Excellence

By receiving a scholarship, you demonstrate your ability to take on and successfully master academic challenges. Employers often value applicants who have excelled in their studies.

Financial Support

By receiving a scholarship, you can reduce your financial burden during your studies, giving you more flexibility and independence in choosing your future career path.

Overall, a study scholarship can help improve your career prospects, increase your chances on the job market and prepare you for a successful career.

The 5 biggest misconceptions about study scholarships

Some of the biggest misconceptions about study scholarship are:

All scholarships are fully funded Many people mistakenly believe that all scholarships cover all study scholarship costs. In fact, scholarships vary greatly in their scope and some only cover part of the costs.
Only students with excellent grades receive scholarships Although good academic performance is often an important factor in being considered for certain scholarships, there are also scholarships based on other criteria such as social commitment, artistic talent or personal circumstances.
Scholarships are only available for certain disciplines Many people think that scholarships are only available for students of certain disciplines, such as engineering or medicine. In fact, scholarships are available for a wide range of courses and interests.
Applying for scholarships is too complicated While the scholarship application process can be challenging, it is often less complicated than many people think. With thorough preparation and support, applicants can be successful.
Only financially needy students receive scholarships While there are scholarships that target financial need, there are also many other scholarships that are awarded regardless of financial background.


How do I get a scholarship to study abroad?

In order to receive a scholarship to study abroad, you should first do your research to find suitable scholarship programs. Then apply carefully and on time by submitting all the required documents and making your motivation clear. Make sure you meet all the requirements and stand out by emphasizing your academic achievements, extracurricular activities and personal experiences.

Who gets a scholarship in Germany?

In Germany, scholarships are generally awarded to students with outstanding academic achievements, but social commitment and special personal circumstances can also be taken into account. The exact criteria vary depending on the scholarship provider and program.

Which scholarship is right for me?

To find the right scholarship, you should consider your individual interests, abilities and goals. Research different scholarship programs that match your academic background, personal characteristics and future plans. Pay attention to the different criteria, requirements and application deadlines of the scholarships to choose the best one for you.

How much of the study scholarship do I have to pay back after my studies?

The portion of the scholarship that must be repaid after study scholarship varies depending on the type of scholarship. Some scholarships are non-repayable, while others may have a partial repayment or a commitment to certain repayment terms. It is important to carefully review the terms of each scholarship to understand the repayment obligations.

Is a scholarship tax-free in Germany?

In Germany, scholarships are generally tax-free as long as they meet certain requirements. For example, they must be granted for educational purposes and must not be income replacement benefits. However, there are exceptions and special cases, so it is advisable to seek tax advice if necessary.

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