Matriculation Number
University Glossary:
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Matriculation Number

The matriculation number plays a significant role in the context of studying. As a unique identifier for students, it enables the identification and management of student data at colleges and universities. The matriculation number is an individual number assigned to students and remains valid throughout their studies.

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History of the Matriculation Number

The matriculation number has undergone an interesting historical development. It was originally introduced in the 19th century to ensure unique identification of students at universities. Over time, the formats and structures of the matriculation number have changed to meet the requirements of modern educational institutions.

Structure of the Matriculation Number

The matriculation number usually consists of a combination of numbers and letters. Depending on the university, the exact structure may vary. The various components of the matriculation number often have a specific meaning, for example, to indicate the course of study, the year or the faculty. By understanding the structure, the matriculation number can be deciphered and interpreted.

Use and function of the Matriculation Number

The matriculation number has a variety of uses at colleges and universities. It serves as a unique identifier for students in administrative systems and student databases, which enables efficient management and organization of study-related processes. Upon enrollment, each student is assigned a matriculation number that remains unchanged throughout the duration of study. This number is required for various aspects of study, such as registering for courses and exams. The matriculation number facilitates the assignment of achievements to the corresponding students and thus ensures correct and reliable recording of study progress.

In addition, the matriculation number is also used for administrative purposes. It enables the creation of student ID cards on which the matriculation number is often shown together with a passport photo. Students can use their matriculation number to gain access to special university facilities and services, such as libraries, computer-based learning resources, or the university network.

The matriculation number is also important for issuing official documents such as matriculation certificates, grade sheets and graduation certificates. It is used to ensure the authenticity and assignment of these documents and to avoid misunderstandings or confusion.

The use of the matriculation number also facilitates communication and the exchange of information between students and university authorities. For example, when students make inquiries about their study-related matters or wish to obtain information about their study progress, the matriculation number is often required to identify and process the inquiry.

Overall, the matriculation number plays a central role in the administration and organization of studies at colleges and universities. It ensures efficient handling of study-related processes, correct assignment of services and smooth communication between students and university authorities. The matriculation number is thus an indispensable tool for smooth study administration and organization.

Meaning of the Matriculation Number in Studies

The matriculation number plays a central role in studies. It is used for enrollment and matriculation and accompanies students throughout their academic career. The matriculation number is required for examinations, exam registrations, grade entries, and the issuance of degree certificates. It enables unique identification and tracking of each student's progress.

Data protection and security of the Matriculation Number

The protection of students' personal data and privacy is of great importance. Colleges and universities have implemented data protection measures to ensure that matriculation numbers and related information are adequately protected. Matriculation numbers are processed in accordance with applicable data protection regulations and policies.

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Things to know about Matriculation Number and Start of Studies

Term Description
Matriculation number A unique identification number that each student receives when enrolling at a university. The matriculation number is usually used for administrative purposes such as managing student data and examination records.
Field of study The subject or discipline a student is studying at a university. Examples of fields of study are engineering, business administration or medicine.
Semester The number of semesters a student has already studied. The semester of study is used, among other things, to track a student's progress through the program or to determine whether a student has completed graduation requirements.
Institution of Higher Education The institution where a student completes his or her education. This can be a university, college, or technical school.
Degree The degree or certificate that a student receives upon successful completion of their studies. Examples of degrees are bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees.


Questions about the matriculation number often arise during the course of your studies. To help you along and clear up any possible confusion, the following section answers some frequently asked questions about the matriculation number. From the definition to the meaning to how to find your matriculation number, these questions will help you develop a better understanding of this important study feature. Read on for answers to your matriculation number questions.

What is a Matriculation Number?

The matriculation number is a unique identifier assigned to students at colleges and universities. It is used to enable identification and management of students in administrative systems and student databases. Each matriculation number is individual and remains unchanged throughout a student's time at university.

How can I find out my Matriculation Number?

The matriculation number is usually assigned when you enroll or register at the university. You will receive your matriculation number together with your matriculation documents, matriculation certificates or student ID. If you are unsure, you can contact the student office or the study administration of your university to ask for your matriculation number.

Is the Matriculation Number the Enrollment Number?

Yes, the matriculation number is often also referred to as the enrollment number. The terms "matriculation number" and "enrollment number" are often used interchangeably because they both serve the same function: to uniquely identify a student at a university.

Where can I find the Matriculation Number?

The matriculation number can be found on various records and documents. These include your student ID, your enrollment certificate, your examination and grade sheets, and your transcript. In addition, you can find your matriculation number in online platforms such as your university's student portal. If you are unsure, it is advisable to contact the student office or the study administration of your university.

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