Semester break
University Glossary:
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Semester break

The semester break is just around the corner and with it the question: How can I make the most of this free time? Many students are looking forward to a well-deserved break after an intensive semester. But the semester break offers far more opportunities than just relaxation. From internships that set the course for your career, to language courses that broaden your horizons, to trips that let you experience new cultures - this time can be a valuable part of your studies and your personal development.

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What are semester breaks?

Semester breaks, often incorrectly referred to as "lecture-free periods", are periods between university semesters. As a rule, no regular lectures or seminars take place during this time. However, it is a misconception to believe that this time is exclusively for relaxation. Many students use the semester break for exam preparation, homework or activities that go beyond the lecture hall.

Difference between semester break and lecture-free period

The terms "semester break" and "lecture-free period" are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences that need to be understood:

Semester break

  • The term "semester break" suggests a completely free period without study-related obligations, similar to the school vacations.
  • In reality, however, many students use this time to take exams, write assignments or complete internships.

Lecture-free period

  • In fact, the lecture-free period refers to the period during which no regular lectures and seminars take place at the university.
  • Despite the term "free", this time can be filled with numerous academic activities, including, but not limited to, preparing for and taking exams, writing theses or attending block courses.

Important aspects

  • Planning: It is important that students plan their semester break carefully in order to complete the necessary academic tasks as well as find time to relax.
  • Communication: Universities usually communicate clearly about lecture-free periods and the associated expectations. It is worth paying attention to these announcements and asking questions if you are unsure.
  • Flexibility: Although the lecture-free period is often used for examinations and homework, there are also opportunities for internships, further education or relaxation. The flexible use of this time can contribute to personal and professional development.

By understanding this distinction, students can plan and use their time more effectively to both fulfill their academic obligations and take necessary breaks for personal recovery.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about semester breaks

In this section, we have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about semester breaks and lecture-free periods. From how to make the most of these important weeks in the academic year to the subtle differences between various terms, you'll find answers here to help you improve your planning and make the most of your semester break.

How do I find a suitable internship for the semester break?

Start your search early and use all available resources. Your university can be a good place to start, as many have a career center that offers internships and advice. Online platforms, job fairs and writing directly to companies that interest you are also useful strategies. Make sure that the internship matches your field of study and offers you valuable insights into your desired industry.


How can I use the semester break to advance my studies?

In addition to the opportunity to complete internships, you can also use the semester break to write upcoming assignments, prepare for upcoming exams or close gaps in your knowledge. Online courses or workshops can help you to acquire additional qualifications that complement your study profile.

Is it a good idea to travel during the semester break?

Traveling can be a great way to broaden your horizons, learn about new cultures and improve your language skills. It also provides a valuable break from the study routine. If you are planning to travel, consider how the trip can contribute to your personal and academic development, for example through a language course abroad or an international volunteer project.

How important is relaxation during the semester break?

Rest is essential to prevent burnout and to stay mentally and physically healthy. It is important to plan enough time for relaxation and leisure activities alongside all your activities and commitments. Whether it's a hobby, spending time with friends and family or just relaxing - find the right balance to help you start the new semester recharged and motivated.

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