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Sports Business and Communication
Reaccreditation of study program

Our Master's program is currently undergoing reaccreditation in order to continue to guarantee you an education at the highest level. Applications for the start of studies in fall 2025 are open from October 1. Plan your future and get information about the program now.

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Applications for 2025 start on October 1. 00d 00h 00m 00s

Master Sports Business and Communication (M.A.)

You love sports and would like to use this enthusiasm for professional purposes? The MBS program Master Sports Business and Communication combines Sports Management and Sports Marketing in a unique way. It was developed by leading experts − both men and women − in the sports sector for those who themselves aspire to a career in the sports business.
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Key Facts
Master Sports Business and Communication

Duration Single Degree
18 months
Duration Dual Degree
24 months
Up to EUR 4,000 funding
In german or english
Final Degree
Master of Arts (M.A.)

Your Master's degree at Munich Business School

We at MBS believe that one does not really know the Sports Business until one has experienced its fascination firsthand. Hence the ideal training spot for future sports business professionals like you is a practice-oriented learning environment in which you develop leadership qualities as well as technical and personal capabilities.


For your perfect career start: the most important reasons for the Master Sports Business and Communication.

Practical Relevance

To get insights into the sports business, you can further develop personally and professionally in projects with real tasks from companies in the sports sector. Business plan developments, presentations, case studies, projects and excursions are basic elements of the Master Sports Business and Communication.

Mentoring Program

You have the opportunity to apply for our exclusive mentoring program. Within the framework of this program, a professionally experienced person from the circle of MBS alumni will support you with words and deeds during the hot phase of your studies, help you to achieve your career goals and provide you with valuable contacts through their network.

At the beginning of your studies, you will receive more information about our mentoring program and can apply for one of the limited places until the end of September. In October, the mentoring committee makes its decision and in November, the selected mentees meet their mentors. The mentoring meetings will take place between November 2021 and August 2022.

Renowned Trainers from Sports Business

The instructors in our program are renowned experts, most of whom are themselves active as managers or entrepreneurs in the areas of sports marketing, sports management and sports media. They come from companies such as adidas, BMW Group and the German Olympic Sports Federation. Not only do they impart theoretical basic knowledge, they also pass on their vast practical experience to the students − they can also facilitate your entry into the profession through their extensive network of industrial contacts.

SBC Alumni Club

You can begin to establish important contacts to companies in the sports business during your studies. The SBC Alumni Club connects alumni from a wide variety of industries and companies and offers a wide range of services with regular events such as the annual "Hoamcoming" at MBS and a local “Stammtisch” a platform for exchange and networking.

Career in the Sports Business: possible employers

Potential employers in the sports business are: associations of the soccer, ice hockey, basketball or handball federal leagues, formula 1 racing drivers and teams, organizers of sports events, manufacturers of sports articles, consulting firms in the sports sector, organizers of sports fairs and conferences, consulting companies, sponsoring agencies, concerns, fashion and retail companies.

Studies with Competitive Character

The sports business, which has worldwide revenues of over 80 billion euro, is a secure, continually growing sector of the economy. At the end of your studies, numerous attractive career options will be open to you in this sector and in the economy so that you will be able to make a profession out of your passion for sports.

'Managers in the sports business need a special qualification to operate the interface of sports, media/communication and economy. In the Master SBC, specialists from the sports business give you the necessary tools and offer you a valuable network for a successful entry into working life.'

Prof. Dr. Heiko Seif, Academic Director Master Sports Business and Communication
(starting fall 2021)

Master SBC in Numbers

Students per group

International Partner Universities

Student to Faculty Ratio

Business Hotspot Munich

Age range


Core Modules

In the Core Modules of the Master Programs you will acquire general business management knowledge. In courses on international management, business communication, responsible leadership and your freely chosen international focus, you will gain an understanding of economic interrelationships in a multicultural and globalized world and learn to consider and correctly interpret social and cultural aspects in your future business decisions. The promotion of a critical approach to various topics is just as important as learning practical methods and models. 

In order to be able to act entrepreneurially with foresight, the Core Modules have an interdisciplinary structure. You will work on joint projects with students from the other Master's programs and exchange ideas and experiences, thereby broadening your range of experience and your toolbox with approaches and perspectives in the fields of Sports Business, International Business or Innovation and Entrepreneurship, for example.


Semester 1


Sports Communication & Media


Corporate Communication and Public Relations

Foundations of Communication Studies and Media Markets

Foundations of Media Law and Media Ethics


  • Learn how to assess corporate messages and plan efficient and strategically viable PR measures while using different media.
  • Get a profound understanding of the German and international media market.
  • Get to know potential tasks in media in sports business and learn how to apply their knowledge to industry specific projects and challenges.
  • Learn how to critically assess and apply the possible uses of media while taking legal and ethical viewpoints and limitations into account.

Sports Business und Leadership


Introduction to Sports Business

Innovative Leadership in Sports Management


  • Understand the principles of leadership and apply teamwork and leadership skills in the workplace.
  • Explain the primary similarities and differences comparing the sports industry and other industries including the unique attributes of the sports industry and the implications for executing business in the sporting industry.
  • Get to know the relationship between amateur and professional sports (sports participation pyramid) and their unique characteristics with respect to sports business.
  • Learn the difference between how sport is organized in the US and Europe and their relative advantages and disadvantages.
  • Learn and discuss the products and services of sport, their nature and their relative financial contribution.
  • Differentiate between sports management and (athletic) performance.
  • Develop and analyze business strategies in a sports business context.
  • Learn innovative and entrepreneurial thinking and acting and how they differ to managerial thinking and acting in the sports industry.

Business Project

  • Learn how to apply project management tools and methods on a real-life business problem.
  • Plan, organize, conduct and control a project for a business partner and gain insights into the company.
  • Assess the quality and reliability of existing data / research findings based on their source, data collection method and analysis / interpretation of the findings.

International Business and Management


International Strategic Management

Organizational Behavior

Conscious Business


  • Learn about the drivers of globalization, related strategic models, and how to apply them in business operations.
  • Study the relationships between individual, organization, and society and reasons for behaviors in organizations.
  • Develop an understanding for alternative business practices compared to traditional profit orientation as the core goal of a business based on the four tenets of Conscious Capitalism as well as best practices in the field of Conscious Business.

International Focus

Choose 1 out of 3

  • Business in Germany
  • Business in Latin America
  • Business in China

Gain insights into business practices and current business topics in the chosen region based on an understanding of the social background as well as the economic and political system in the respective region.


Languages (Optional)

Choose 1 out of 3:

  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • German

Depending on the level, learn the appropriate grammar and vocabulary skills to advance to the next level of language proficiency.


Communication in International Business


Business Communication

Business Ethics

Negotiation Skills


  • Identify and master the challenges of business communication particularly in an international and intercultural context.
  • Study and discuss topical and controversial business ethics issues as well as the philosophical origins of ethics.
  • Learn how to use effective communication skills as well as manage the human behavior dynamics in the negotiation process.

MBS Engagement

Feel a stronger sense of belonging to the MBS community by actively engaging in a variety of extracurricular offerings.

Semester 2


Sports Marketing and Sponsoring


Sports Marketing

Sports Sponsoring


  • Learn the nature of sports marketing and sports sponsoring and their unique aspects.
  • Discuss the theoretical frameworks and concepts of sport marketing and sponsorship and apply them to real-life situations.
  • Get to know the various skills and demands on a sports marketer or sponsorship manager, including communication, sales, and negotiation skills.
  • Learn to apply the various techniques for sports marketing and sponsorship, including the analysis, conception, execution, and review of marketing and sales activities.
  • Explore and understand the workings of each of the elements in sports marketing with focus on sponsorship and advertising in sport.
  • Discuss the international nature of sports marketing and sponsoring and how to prepare marketing and sponsorship plans in an international concept.

Digital Sports Management


Online Marketing

Digital Sports

Social Media Management


  • Learn the characteristics and diverse forms of digitization of the sports industry and apply them.
  • Expand your marketing expertise to the areas of online and social media marketing and utilize the appropriate terminology in order to interact and network with specialists of the field.
  • Get to know the special characteristics of E-Sport, its congruencies and differences to conventional sports business and its strengths and limitations as new component of the sports industry.
  • Understand the workings of Social Media, how a social profile is managed and which are the most important success factors in social media marketing with emphasis on social communities and influencer marketing.
  • Apply your knowledge critically and independently in the ever faster developing digital environment and get to know how to address stakeholders in a target group-oriented and adequate manner.

Electives (optional)

  • Sports Rights and Licenses
    • Learn about the characteristics and particularities of the multidisciplinary sports rights industry with all players involved, such as agencies, media companies, leagues and clubs/associations.
    • Evaluate promising ideas and problem-solving approaches and create and develop them autonomously.
    • Study all important trends of the industry and critically evaluate them and assess their significance.
  • Sports Event Management

    • Get to know the nature of event marketing and its relation to the sports business.
    • Discuss the theoretical frameworks and concepts which have been developed to explain event marketing and management in sports.
    • Study the various skills and demands on an event manager in sports including the technical and soft skills required.
    • Learn how to plan and execute an event, following the process from analysis, concept, execution to review.
    • Evaluate and apply various techniques and tools for event marketing.
    • Transfer the knowledge regarding event marketing and management into an international context.
    • Learn to understand the characteristics and nature of mega events including important elements in review of impact of mega events.
    • Get to know crucial elements in engaging fans as well as the relationship of events management with media rights, merchandising and sponsorship.
  • Success Factor Happiness
    • Personally experience the concepts of happiness, mindfulness, higher purpose, compassion, and gratitude through specific exercises.
    • Learn from best practices how to apply them in a work environment to increase (among others) subjective well-being, health, productivity, and satisfaction and decrease stress.
  • Brand Storytelling:
    • Learn to understand key principles of human behavior.
    • Gain insight into branding, advertising, and sales techniques.
    • Learn how to design effective branding strategies based on consumer insights.
  • Psychology of Marketing:
    • Learn to understand the basics of storytelling and communication mechanisms.
    • Be able to discuss brand strategies.
    • Get to know how to design and analyze branding campaigns.

Business Project

  • Learn how to apply project management tools and methods on a real-life business problem.
  • Plan, organize, conduct and control a project for a business partner and gain insights into the company.
  • Assess the quality and reliability of existing data / research findings based on their source, data collection method and analysis / interpretation of the findings.

International Focus

Choose 1 out of 5:

  • Business in Europe
  • Business in Latin America
  • Business in China
  • Business in USA and Canada
  • Business in Emerging Economies (India, Africa)

Use case studies, business simulations, in-depth reports as well as expert knowledge to understand the complexities of the business environment in the chosen region from a cultural, economic, social, political, and legal perspective.


Languages (Optional)

Choose 1 out of 3:

  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • German

Depending on the level, learn the appropriate grammar and vocabulary skills to advance to the next level of language proficiency.


Responsible Leadership in a Global Context


Responsible Leadership

Business & Society

Master Thesis Preparation


  • Learn how to lead and manage people in business in a responsible way, including how to motivate and support people depending on the given circumstances, personality, and culture.
  • Get familiar with the origin and development of different cultural core beliefs, value systems and how they define business practices from a top management perspective.
  • Learn how to collect, evaluate, assess and present the state of the art in the academic discipline regarding a specific research question.

MBS Engagement

Feel a stronger sense of belonging to the MBS community by actively engaging in a variety of extracurricular offerings.

Semester 3


Semester Abroad or Internship

Students in the Master Sports Business and Communication gain comprehensive international experience by studying one semester at one of the numerous international partner universities of MBS. Alternatively, students can spend two semesters at selected universities and complete their studies with a dual degree

Have you already studied or worked for at least one year in a non-German-speaking country? Then you have the alternative option of completing a subject-specific internship in a company in Germany, Austria or German-speaking Switzerland. The duration of the internship is at least 15 weeks.


Master Thesis

Last but not least: writing your Master Thesis


Business Projects – for Your Perfect Career Start

The practical project is a real highlight: For two semesters, you and your fellow students will work for a company and solve a real, current problem. You will process tasks for companies such as Audi or adidas and associations such as the German Football Association (DFB) or the German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB). During these practical projects, some students are able to establish important contacts to prospective employers.

Students of the Master Sports Business and Communication benefit from the MBS network. Excursions - for example to adidas, Sky or the FC Bayern Munich football club - deliver exciting impressions of actual practice. On the other hand, you can investigate current trends by visiting the ISPO Munich sports fair, which is just as much a fixed part of the Master program as is access to pertinent sector media such as, for example, SPONSORs.


Your Trainers - The MBS Lecturers

The MBS Sports Business and Communication Master’s program is characterized by the large number of lecturers coming directly from the practice and providing students with important skills for their entry into the sports business. Some of these lecturers introduce themselves in the following interviews.
Julia Scharf, Moderator for Sports
Julia Scharf, Moderator for Sports

Julia Scharf is a sports journalist and hosts the “Sportschau” program of the ARD (the first German television channel).

Furthermore, she is the new face of the BR sports desk and host of the cult show “Blickpunkt Sport”. She additionally presents the alpine skiing races and DTM, and conducts live interviews at football matches.

Jörg Kottmeier, Head of Sports Communication, BMW Group
Jörg Kottmeier, Head of Sports Communication, BMW Group

Joerg Kottmeier has headed the Editorial Hub at BMW since 2018 and is responsible for worldwide PR communication.

After an apprenticeship at Bertelsmann AG and a traineeship at the Mindener Tageblatt newspaper, Jörg Kottmeier studied journalism, politics, sociology and sports at the LMU in Munich. He also worked as a freelance journalist in sports for various media outlets. In 1994, Kottmeier began working as an editor at SID (Sport Information Service) for eight years. 

Mike Marqués, Founder of EKINOMIOUS
Mike Marqués, Founder of EKINOMIOUS

Mike Marqués, has many years of international experience in the areas of commercial, business development and marketing and co-founded the technical consulting and sports agent agency EKINOMIOUS in 2013.

In the MBS Insights interview with SBC student Jakob von der Wense, Mike Marqués provides insights into his teaching activities at MBS.

Julia Scharf, Moderator for Sports

Julia Scharf is a sports journalist and hosts the “Sportschau” program of the ARD (the first German television channel).

Prof. Dr. David Wagner, academic director of the SBC master’s program: Dear Ms. Scharf, could you please introduce yourself briefly? What connects you with the world of sports? What are important career stages? And what hat are your current areas of responsibility?

Julia Scharf: My name is Julia Scharf, I am a sports presenter for the ARD Sportschau and BR Fernsehen. I mainly report on soccer and winter sports. Sport has always been very important in my life. I myself was active in the national vaulting squad. I worked as a trainer in various countries and was also involved in training coaches. As co-trainer of my team we won the World Cup in 2000.
After studying sports science and media/communication, I did a traineeship at the Munich newspaper publishing house. Afterwards I started at SPORT1 and got many opportunities to present live sports broadcasts. In 2011 I changed to SWR and thus to ARD Sport. Later BR became my home channel within ARD.
Currently I present the ARD Sportschau on Sunday, the Blickpunkt Sport on BR Fernsehen, the Abendschau and many live events, especially in winter.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: Which course in the SBC curriculum do you teach?

Julia Scharf: I teach “Practical Journalistic Exercises” and specifically do a camera and TV coaching for the students.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: What is the focus of this course? Why is this course important for a career in sports business?

Julia Scharf: I attach particular importance to a journalistic preparation of the content, presentation and feedback are also important to me. In the sports business you often have to be in front of the camera. Be it as a journalist or because I want to spread my message in a corporate video. Even as an expert, knowledge is often needed in front of the camera. That’s why I think it is important for all industries nowadays to be able to sell yourself confidently, sympathetically and authentically in front of the camera.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: What is your favorite component of the course, for example a particular case study, exercise or excursion?

Julia Scharf: In my workshop, you can achieve great progress with just a few exercises. I enjoy seeing how quickly the participants develop. At the end we always have a talk show.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: How do you personally connect science and practice and how important is this connection to you?

Julia Scharf: In my job, media research is particularly important. If we are developing programs and content on all channels, we need to know how viewers’ viewing habits are changing. That’s why studies and surveys in this area are particularly important to me. I also keep an eye on how sports and viewer behaviour change. I am often asked to describe my impressions on such topics for interviews in final papers.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: In your opinion, what is the unique selling proposition, the special feature of the Sports Business and Communication program and Munich Business School in general?

Julia Scharf: They are small but motivated groups. The personal contact and the many practical projects are unique.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: Which advantages do SBC graduates have in your opinion when it comes to applications and employment in the sports sector?

Julia Scharf: They already know many decision-makers from the sports industry, as many lecturers come directly from the practice. Through projects and international experience they are well prepared for their career start.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: To conclude: What has been the highlight so far in your time as an MBS lecturer?

Julia Scharf: An event in which I had the handball world champion Dominik Klein as a guest. He not only patiently practiced live interviews with all the participants, but also told us a lot about his career and his time after competitive sports.

The interview can also be found on the MBS Blog Insights.

Jörg Kottmeier, Head of Sports Communication, BMW Group

Joerg Kottmeier has headed the Editorial Hub at BMW since 2018 and is responsible for worldwide PR communication.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner, academic director of the SBC master’s program: Dear Mr. Kottmeier, can you please introduce yourself briefly? What connects you with the world of sports? What are important career stages? What are your current areas of responsibility?

Jörg Kottmeier: My name is Jörg Kottmeier. After a commercial apprenticeship at Bertelsmann AG and a traineeship at the Mindener Tageblatt, I studied journalism (minor subjects: politics, sociology; special subject: sports) in Munich. Since the age of 17, I have been writing reports and taking photographs as a freelancer in sports – first at the Mindener Tageblatt, then at the Münchner Merkur and other publications. After eight years at the sports news agency SID (Sport-Informations-Dienst) from 1994 to 2002, I moved to sports communications at BMW AG and was responsible for PR communications for all BMW sports commitments. Since 2018 I have been in charge of the Editorial Hub at the BMW Group, a kind of media house for worldwide PR communication.
Sport was and is an important part of my (professional) life. Whether at district football matches or the World Cup, at the TuS Minderheide sports festival or the Olympic Games in Atlanta and Sydney – as a journalist I have been driven through the (sports) world as well as a press spokesman on the other side of the communication curtain. In a responsible position for BMW, I was able to accompany Formula One races, the Ryder Cup, the America’s Cup, the BMW Marathon and many more for years.
At the same time, I also try to keep myself fit. Formerly in basketball, today on the bike or in the gym.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: Which course in the SBC curriculum do you teach?

Jörg Kottmeier: I have been teaching Corporate Communications and Public Relations at MBS for several years.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: What is the focus of this course? Why is this course important for a career in sports business?

Jörg Kottmeier: It’s about gaining an insight into the practice of sports communication. From the perspective of the news agency journalist as well as from the perspective of the corporate communicator. As a trained journalist, I can show a lot of practical experience from both sides of the curtain and garnish it with some theory. The focus lies definitely on practice.
There are many opportunities to gain a foothold in the sports business. If you want to get into the communication sector, this course is the right one for you.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: What is your favorite component of the course, for example a particular case study, exercise or excursion?

Jörg Kottmeier: Practical exercises of all kinds – this comes closest to reality. Preferably under time pressure on a specific sports topic. If time allows, we visit a sports event in the course and report directly from the event in agency style – preferably before it is finished. Just as it is done every day at a sports news agency. Further writing exercises in the course have also met with a good response so far. Be it from the perspective of the journalist or from the perspective of corporate communications. The news or press releases are then discussed in detail.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: How do you personally connect science and practice and how important is this connection to you?

Jörg Kottmeier: This is extremely important to me. Theory is a must, but only theory can get you nowhere in practice. As a student of journalism, I had to put up with a lot of theory and I was always very happy about the practical exercises, because they were realistic and interactive and because (mostly) professionals reported from their daily practice. I assume that the course participants still prefer an exciting story to a 20-page PowerPoint presentation or a theory textbook.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: In your opinion, what is the unique selling proposition, the special feature of the Sports Business and Communication program and Munich Business School in general?

Jörg Kottmeier: The students at MBS usually have a broader scope because they have already completed their bachelor’s studies or have been professionally engaged. This view beyond the horizon is very important, especially in the media sector. MBS also succeeds in attracting interesting lecturers who offer a special look behind the scenes of their profession.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: Which advantages do SBC graduates have in your opinion when it comes to applications and employment in the sports sector?

Jörg Kottmeier: Thanks to the many lecturers from all angles of the sports business, MBS graduates receive a sound and broad insight into the subject matter. In addition, they can specialize during their studies and pick out focal points. All of this should help them to focus, quickly gain a foothold in professional life and then be successful.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: What changes will the sports industry undergo in the coming years?

Jörg Kottmeier: This is a very complex question. Let’s try a short answer: Digitization will bring about changes for all participants. Furthermore, Corona could become a accelerator of transformation. I believe fewer editors will have to communicate more topics with less budget. This will be more target group-specific across all channels. Real breaking news nowadays only have a very, very short life. Real storytelling is more important than ever. In short: The industry is in upheaval.

Prof. Dr. David Wagner: To conclude: What has been the highlight so far in your time as an MBS lecturer?

Jörg Kottmeier: There was once a trip from the north of Munich to MBS, which took almost two hours and cost me an endless amount of nerves. It usually takes 15 to 20 minutes to get there. Everything was different that day: there were traffic jams everywhere, nothing worked anymore and all side roads were closed. At some point I finally rolled into the yard and we could finally start the course. After all: Everyone was waiting, no one had run away.

The interview can also be found on the MBS Blog Insights.

Mike Marqués, Founder of EKINOMIOUS

Mike Marqués, has many years of international experience in the areas of commercial, business development and marketing and co-founded the technical consulting and sports agent agency EKINOMIOUS in 2013.

Jakob von der Wense, SBC student at MBS: Dear Mr. Marqués, can you please introduce yourself briefly? What connects you with the world of sports? What are important career stages? What are your current areas of responsibility?

Mike Marqués: My passion for sport has always been there. However, I only entered the sports business through my involvement in the Volvo Ocean Race in 2011 and 2012 as Head of Business Development for commercial partnerships, both on a team and global level.
I believe that niche sports have a high untapped marketing and sponsorship potential for companies. Therefore, I founded EKINOMIOUS Sports Management in 2013 together with a partner. Here I manage all commercial and marketing aspects of the projects we run. The focus lies in the area of sailing. Currently I am supporting the campaign of the offshore solo sailor Boris Hermann as Sponsoring Manager. He will sail the Everest of the sailors, the Non-Stop Solo Round the World Race Vendée Globe next November.

Jakob von der Wense: Which course in the SBC curriculum do you teach?

Mike Marqués: I taught Sports Marketing and Sponsorship for the first time last semester, together with Prof. Todd Davey. Todd focused on the theory, I focused on the practical part with a wealth of examples from different business areas of the sports industry. I am looking forward to working here in the future as I really enjoy working with other lecturers and the SBC students.

Jakob von der Wense: What is the focus of this course? Why is this course important for a career in sports business?

Mike Marqués: Marketing is the cornerstone of the sports business. Without it, there would be no business in or with sports. No company or stakeholder would invest time, resources and, lastly, capital into the space should there be no return from their investment. 
Thus, it is key to understand the whole portfolio of marketing areas that a stakeholder can and should leverage to make his investment in the sport worthwhile. In my course, we focus in applying the marketing mix into real life scenarios. Brand activation plays a very important role and we look into applying it to the different rights and benefits that a marketeer in charge of a campaign can use: image and messaging values, PR, relationship building, communication, B2B, experiences, etc. I also like to cover a balanced distribution of topics. Brand activation and brand marketing for industry leaders, such as football, is usually easier than for niche sports, such as sailing and Formula E. However, it is precisely by looking at these areas you learn what marketing really means.

Jakob von der Wense: What is your favorite component of the course, for example a particular case study, exercise or excursion?

Mike Marqués: There were two highlights for me. Firstly, the case study of Maria Sharapova as it covers the whole athlete life cycle and all the problems and barriers that a brand manager needs to consider and overcome to be successful with such an attractive but complex marketing platform.
Besides that, another highlight was the final project. The students were required to develop the marketing strategy for a new global racing series as part of their final evaluation. It was very rewarding to guide them during the development of their recommendations and I especially enjoyed their presentations and discussions in class. The creativity of the students is great.

Jakob von der Wense: How do you personally connect science and practice and how important is this connection to you?

Mike Marqués: For me this is key. Most of what I teach is based on my experience running one of the largest events globally, the former Volvo Ocean Race. It is a nine-month long round the world race that stops in ten to eleven countries, with a full-blown two-week race village in each city it visits. It is considered one of the most complex sporting events out there. With its unique combination of various stakeholders, from event owner (Volvo) to the teams and city sponsors, it comprises all aspects of the marketing mix. It was a great learning experience for me and I can now apply this knowledge in a scientific context.

Jakob von der Wense: In your opinion, what is the unique selling proposition, the special feature of the Sports Business and Communication program and Munich Business School in general?

Mike Marqués: The great combination of theory and applied science as well as the good mix of teachers and activities. The SBC master’s program is uniquely positioned to form students who become key players in the sport industry of Germany and Europe. I also consider the integrated semester abroad a great added value. In our internationally networked world, a stay abroad is almost indispensable to understand how other countries function and how to position companies and platforms internationally.

Jakob von der Wense: Which advantages do SBC graduates have in your opinion when it comes to applications and employment in the sports sector?

Mike Marqués: The players in the sports business recognize the SBC master’s program and Munich Business School as a very good platform for finding talents who have the potential to take on future management tasks. The students are often passionate sportsmen and women themselves and try to get the best out of their studies and the courses offered. This is well known in the industry.

Jakob von der Wense: What changes will the sports industry undergo in the coming years?

Mike Marqués: The trend towards virtual marketing activation via social media channels has intensified. The area that is suffering most, experience marketing, is developing new tools and platforms to reach its audiences, e.g. via virtual races and games. Despite social distancing, companies still require brand activation to reach their clients and partners. Furthermore, e-sports will gain in importance. This market has boomed during the pandemic and has significantly accelerated the strong growth of recent years. There are even voices which favor a participation in the Olympic Games in Tokyo next year. This interesting development should be monitored closely.

Jakob von der Wense: To conclude: What has been the highlight so far in your time as an MBS lecturer?

Mike Marqués: In the past semester we had the honor to host Benno Ruwe, Head of International Relationships and Product Development at FC Bayern München, in our class. He explained in detail how FC Bayern München managed to become a household name in the extremely competitive US sporting market. It was an excellent case study on how to apply concrete marketing theories to enter a new market with a new sport, not followed by many, and which takes place one ocean away.

3rd Semester:
Semester Abroad or Internship

You define your focus

Semester abroad: Students of Master Sports Business and Communication have the opportunity to spend their third semester abroad at one of numerous international partner universities. During your semester abroad, you will gather extensive international experience and expand your intercultural skills. Students can also choose to spend two semesters at selected universities and complete their studies with a dual degree.

Internship: If you have already studied or worked abroad in a non-German-speaking country, you will also have the option of completing an internship specific to your subject area at a company in Germany, Austria or the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Internships run for at least 15 weeks.


Studying at Munich Business School is an international experience, because internationality is not only taught but also lived. This is why studying abroad is an integral part of our programs. MBS maintains partnerships with over 60 universities worldwide and is continuously expanding its international network. The cooperations range from classic programs such as ERASMUS+ and exchange programs to over 20 dual-degree agreements with partners in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA.
MBS Dual Degree

Dual Degree

With the dual degree option, you acquire an additional, specialized Master's degree from one of our partner universities.Munich Business School's cooperation with renowned international universities gives you the opportunity to acquire two different master's degrees within two years. For a dual degree, you will normally spend two semesters at MBS and then two semesters at the partner university, followed by the Master's thesis.


In order to qualify for the Master Sports Business and Communication study program, you must fulfill academic, linguistic, and to some extent professional requirements.

You may submit your application documents at any time. Since the places are limited, we advise you to apply for your desired study start as early as possible.


Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

The main requirement for admission to the Master Sports Business and Comunication study program is a successful Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS or more). Applicants with a degree in Business Studies/Management/Economics are entitled to apply  for the program directly, applicants without a degree in economics can qualify for the program by completing the Pre Master Program. Upon request, we will gladly verify your documents in advance. Please contact your Program Advisor.

Language Requirements

English Proficiency

Applicants must proof their English language skills by passing one of the following language tests:

  • TOEFL iBT & Home Edition: min. 85 (min. of 22 in writing band, min. of 20 in all other bands; MBS TOEFL Institution Code: 5772)
  • IELTS & IELTS Online: min. level of 6.5– Academic Module
  • ELS English for Academic Purposes: Advanced Level 112
  • Duolingo English Test: Overall Score 115 or higher
  • Pearson PTE Academic: Overall Score 56 or higher
  • Cambridge: Min. 173 or Grade B or higher

Note: If the test is also used to apply for a visa, please check the requirements of the respective embassy in advance.

Test results can only be accepted if achieved within the last two years. If you are unable to obtain your test results before handing in your MBS application, please inform us about your planned test date.

The English proficiency test can be waived by the following candidates:

  • Applicants having completed their schooling in English (i.e., High School Diploma, IB)
  • Applicants having completed their first academic degree in English

Application Deadline

Application deadlines in detail

We accept applications all year round. However, we recommend that you apply as early as possible, as the number of places is limited.

Spring semester (Master International Business only)

  • Application guideline for Europeans (no visa): December 10
  • Application guideline for non-Europeans (visa required): October 31

Applicants from Vietnam, China and India should allow an extra month to apply for the relevant visas.

Winter semester

  • Application guideline for Europeans (no visa): July 15
  • Application guideline for non-Europeans (visa required): April 30

Applicants from Vietnam, China and India should allow an extra month to apply for the relevant visas.

Application Process

Step 1: Written Application

When submitting your online application, please provide the following mandatory documents:

  • Answering questions of motivation (various questions are available for selection during the online application process)
  • Résumé/CV
  • Copies of your graduation certificates* and/or current university transcripts*

You may also upload the following additional documents:

  • recent photo of yourself (professional, in color with bright background)
  • Copy of the school leaving certificate (e.g., Highschool Diploma, IB, Abitur)*
  • Proof of English language proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS or ELS)
  • Reference letters (if available)
  • When applying for a scholarship: personal statement (1 page)

*Please provide the original documents or certified copies when you gain admission and matriculate to the program.

Online Application Master Sports Business and Communication

Step 2: Admission

Qualified applicants will be invited for a personal interview on site in Munich or online via Microsoft Teams (approx. 30 - 45 minutes). The interview may include the processing of a case study.

As soon as you are an admitted student, you have the opportunity to get to know MBS even better – before making your final decision whether to join Munich Business School.

Our study advisors will of course be available for all kinds of potential questions and personal consultations.

Step 3: Study Contract

Once you have successfully completed the application process, Munich Business School will provide you with an acceptance letter as well as two copies of your study contract. Please sign one copy and return it within two weeks to secure your spot in the program. The other copy needs to be kept for your own records.

The acceptance to the study program requires an enrollment fee of 690 Euro (EU/EFTA) respectively 1,490 Euro (non-EU) and a deposit of 1.990 Euro due upon signing the study contract. The deposit will be deducted from your first tuition fee installment.

Step 4: Student Visa

If you are a non-EU national, you are required to apply for a student visa in order start your studies in Germany. To obtain a visa invitation letter from Munich Business School, which is necessary to apply for the visa, please add a copy of your passport details page when handing in your signed study contract.

More about Student Visa


Munich Business School offers attractive scholarship programs amount up to EUR 4,000 of the overall tuition fee. (Up to EUR 2,000 on the 1st and 2nd master's semester).

If you wish to apply for a scholarship, you should include an application when you submit your overall application. You can find further information on our scholarships and financing page.


The quality of teaching and the training of sought-after professionals and managers is the focus at Munich Business School. By studying at MBS, you are making an investment in your future. You can comfortably pay the tuition fees in three semesters or 18 monthly installments.

Depending on which partner university you would like to spend your semester abroad at or if you would like to do a dual degree, additional costs may apply.

In accordance with our university values, we are willing to offer first-class and motivated applicants a study place at Munich Business School - regardless of their economic background. There are many ways to finance your studies - scholarships, BAföG, education funds, etc. Get an overview of our scholarships as well as the 100% student funding with our partner Brain Capital and find the model that suits you best. You can find further information on our scholarships and financing page.



Fees on the Master’s program

Fee per month
EUR 1,430
Fees per semester
EUR 8,580
Total fees
EUR 25,740

Early Bird Special

Submit your complete online application and recieve a discount on the first semester rate.

Spring Intake - Deadline 15th October
EUR 1,000 Discount
Fall Intake - Deadline 15th February
EUR 1,000 Discount

Other Fees

Application Processing Fee
60 Euro
One-time Enrollment Fee (EU/EFTA)
690 Euro
One-time Enrollment Fee for international students
1,490 Euro

Still undecided? Our other master's programs.

International Business
International Business
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
International Marketing and Brand Management
International Marketing and Brand Management

Master Sports Business and Communication Alumni

What do our Master Sports Business and Communication Alumni actually do after their studies at MBS? To answer this question, MBS regularly conducts the MBS Alumni Survey. Our graduates:
Miriam Kathol, Senior Manager Sportrechte bei SportA GmbH
Miriam Kathol, Senior Manager Sportrechte bei SportA GmbH

Especially the lectures on media law as well as on sports rights, licenses and exploitation have laid a good foundation for my current area of responsibility.

The lectures in English language as well as my semester abroad in America help me today especially in the handling of international cooperations.

Lis Schirtz, Programme Manager, INAP, Luxembourg
Lis Schirtz, Programme Manager, INAP, Luxembourg

In my current position, I benefit daily from my experience and knowledge from MBS studies. And by that I don't mean a specific subject that has been taught, but rather the entire package.

The sports business has so many and different facets that it is less about having precise knowledge in a specific area. Rather, my everyday work requires above all networked thinking and interdisciplinary solution finding, and thanks to the "magic triangle" (sport, business, communication) I can do justice to this. 

Dominik Beyer, Social Media Manager at FC Bayern München
Dominik Beyer, Social Media Manager at FC Bayern München

I communicate daily with the most diverse target groups: with fans, players, departments in the club, as well as agencies and service providers.

In terms of content, my everyday work is very varied and requires broad knowledge and skills. Thanks to my studies, I am perfectly positioned for the varied and demanding requirements at FC Bayern Munich.



Looking to find out more?

Studienberater MBS: Uttamdeep Kaur, B.A.
PAGE-TITLE: Master Sports Business and Communication