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Distribution Policy

Distribution policy is an important factor in the successful marketing of a product. A good distribution policy ensures that the product finds the right customer and prevents it from falling into the wrong hands. The best distribution policy is therefore the one that best suits the product and the target market. In this article, we explain the most important terms in this regard.

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Distribution Policy Definition

The distribution policy has a great influence on the success of a company. It determines whether and how customers receive the products or services. Therefore, it is important to plan and implement it carefully.

Distribution policy is closely linked to marketing policy, as it is largely responsible for how a company's products or services are positioned on the market. The right design of distribution policy is therefore crucial to a company's success.

A good distribution policy starts with determining the company's target markets. This must take into account which customer groups are to be addressed and what their needs are. Subsequently, a decision must be made as to which distribution channels can best be used to bring the products or services to the clientele. Distribution policy is an essential part of corporate management. It encompasses all activities aimed at getting a company's products or services to its customers. This includes the design of distribution channels, the determination of sales prices and advertising.

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