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Interested in Studying Business Administration?
Distribution policy is the art of selling the right product to the right customer at the right time in the right place at the right price. Perfect distribution is therefore the basis for a successful business. But unfortunately, finding the perfect distribution is not that easy. There are many factors that need to be considered in order to be successful. For example, you have to know where your target audience is. If you sell clothes, it doesn't make sense to distribute in an area where there are no people. It is equally important to put the product in the right place. If you sell heavy machinery, then it's pointless to display it in a small store. Customers must also be able to see and touch the product, otherwise they won't buy it. On the Internet nowadays, it is of course also crucial whether a company has a good website and whether the product can be ordered online. This is because most people nowadays find out about products online and also order them online. So if a company does not have an online presence or the product is not available to order online, it will have difficulty finding customers. So there is no such thing as perfect distribution - but with the right strategy, you can get a little closer to success.
Distribution policy should be geared to unlocking customer potential as efficiently as possible and offering them products with optimum availability. In addition, the distribution channels should be optimized in such a way that transport and storage costs are kept to a minimum. In addition, there are further goals of distribution policy, for example, direct influence on the marketing as well as presentation of the products. However, all these goals can only be achieved if the sales channels are appropriately designed - as special systems for exchanging goods, money and information.
The objectives of the distribution policy are to offer potential customers optimum availability of our products. In addition, we want to optimize the distribution channels in such a way that transport and storage costs are kept to a minimum. We also aim to exert a direct influence on the marketing and presentation of our products. Thanks to this strategy, all sales channels can remain healthy in the long term.
Interested in Studying Business Administration?
The distribution policy has a great influence on the success of a company. It determines whether and how customers receive the products or services. Therefore, it is important to plan and implement it carefully.
Distribution policy is closely linked to marketing policy, as it is largely responsible for how a company's products or services are positioned on the market. The right design of distribution policy is therefore crucial to a company's success.
A good distribution policy starts with determining the company's target markets. This must take into account which customer groups are to be addressed and what their needs are. Subsequently, a decision must be made as to which distribution channels can best be used to bring the products or services to the clientele. Distribution policy is an essential part of corporate management. It encompasses all activities aimed at getting a company's products or services to its customers. This includes the design of distribution channels, the determination of sales prices and advertising.
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